Chapter 43: Colla Voce

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Credits to EB Kalye Serye for the header (na miss ko ang ks! 😍)
Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN. 💚💚💚💚💚

Chapter 43: Colla Voce

~~Fullerton Mansion~~

She stretched like a lazy cat, loving the feel of cool silk sheets on her skin. Her satisfied moan echoed through out the bedroom as she felt her languid limbs stretch. She lay on her side, watching the morning light filter through the space between the curtains that were drawn together to keep them out. And just like the persistent light, the memory of what she did last night came to her. She grabbed the blanket that was pushed to her waist a while ago and threw it over her head in shame. How was she supposed to face him again this morning without her remembering what she did?

'May be I can just hole out in here until he leaves for the office?' she asked herself, ticking off her options in her mind.

'What time does he leave for the office anyway? What if he doesn't leave?' She asked again, the scenario playing in her mind.

'But that would be a coward's way out. That would even make me look like I'm guilty. He's the one who is guilty. If he had just given me the kiss I wanted, then I wouldn't have done what I did,' She indignantly told herself, her small fist digging into the mattress, emphasizing her conviction that he was the one at fault.

And then she froze, realizing that for the first since she saw him again, she voiced out what she really felt. She wanted him. Body and soul; there was no argument there.

The question is does he want her too?

Does he want her for her body and soul or just her body? There was no argument that they have sexual chemistry. But how long will that last? A week? A month? A year? She doesn't want any of those options.

She wants a lifetime.

Maine stood up, not wanting start her day dwelling on questions that she doesn't have the answers for. But they were unrelenting, her reflection in the mirror that she passed by on her way to Sebby's room made her stop and asked her some more.

'Darling, I think the better question to ask is, how do you get a lifetime with him?' her reflection asked.

'I tried but I failed. I don't know if I still have the strength to ask him for it. I still do have my pride. One thing I know, if ever I don't get my lifetime with him, I'll always have a part of him. Our son,' she ruefully answered back, her eyes not quite meeting those that were reflected in the glass mirror.

'But will that ever be enough?' the figure in the mirror asked further, playing the devil's advocate to the hilt.

Maine, tired of the conversation that she was having with herself, turned and walked away towards her son's room. Leaving the question hanging in the air.


The room was quiet except for the musical mobile over her son's crib that was still turning in time with its music. Maine quickened her pace in her excitement to see him again. When she reached the crib, she felt as if a rug under her feet has been pulled out, making her plunge headlong into a nightmare that she had just been through. She sprinted to the door, almost tripping in her haste over her son's blanket. She bent down and picked it up.

'Lord, please not again! I don't know if I can take it anymore!' Maine pleaded as she stepped out onto the hall.

~~RJ's Bedroom~~

No Letting Goजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें