Chapter 20: Trouble in Paradise

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For ADN 💚💚💚💚💚

Chapter 20: Trouble in Paradise

~~London, England~~

The summer heat was on in London. Maine felt the heat more because she was in the 3rd trimester of her pregnancy. Even with all the windows open, two electric fans, and one portable air cooler turned on full blast, Maine's brow was still beaded with sweat.

She was getting ready to go to her second to the last pre-natal to check on whether the baby was in the right position for birth. After struggling to get into her Seraphine baby blue off-shoulder maternity top, draw-stringed white pedal pusher pants and her comfy blue Tom's classic canvass flats, she went to the kitchen to quench her thirst with lemonade.

Ever since she knew that she was pregnant, Maine stayed away from anything artificial or anything that contained caffeine. She followed her doctor's order of eating and drinking lots fruits and milk to keep up her and the baby's immune system in tip-top shape. As she drank her juice, she adjusted the ultra-sound pictures on her refrigerator door.

There were threee pictures on the door: the first one was shortly after Dr. Weismann confirmed with an ultrasound that she was pregnant, the second showed the gender of her baby, it's a boy! The last was a 3D scan taken about a month ago when the baby was still in a breech position.

Maine patted her tummy. "I hope you did your homework baby and turned so that Mommy won't have a difficult time in getting you out," she said with a smile.

She was locking her apartment when her mobile phone rang. "Ray."

"Maine, are you done? Wait for me there, I'll pick you up in 15 minutes."

"Ray, you don't need to. I'm out of your way. Besides, I can still drive."

"But you're nine months pregnant, Maine."

"Yes. But that doesn't make me an invalid. The hospital is just 4 blocks away from here. I'll be safe."

"But Maine, I'd feel... "

"No more buts Ray. I'll meet you there. Put the phone down, otherwise I'll be late for my appointment. Bye!"

~~On the road~~

Maine was only 2 blocks away from the hospital when she felt a sharp pain in her lower back. She placed her hand on the spot where it hurt, rubbing it a little to relieve the pain.
The pain was ebbing and she was again able to concentrate on her driving.

She was about to cross a major intersection when another one hit her. This time, the pain was longer and more intense than the first. She took deep breaths to ease the pain.

When she recovered she proceeded to cross the intersection not noticing that the traffic light had already changed during her painful interval. It was too late when she heard the loud horn of the oncoming Volkswagen Amarok pick-up truck that crossed at the same time that her BMW 3 series sedan did.

The pick-up's tires screeched as the driver stepped on the breaks to prevent the collision, but it was no good. The sound of metal crushing metal was deafening as the pick-up truck's front end rammed into the BMW passenger side. The larger vehicle dragged the smaller one at least half-block in the other direction.

Then there was silence; complete and dead silence. One of the onlookers immediately dialed the emergency number while the others went to the BMW to see the how the woman inside was doing.

~~Manila, Philippines~~

The sirens of the Lifeline Arrows ambulance continued to wail even as they were loading the pregnant woman on the vehicle. The head EMT went back to the man standing by the Jaguar XE to collect some information on the woman that they just boarded onto the ambulance.

"Sir, can I ask you some information on how you came to know the woman?"

"I don't know her personally. Actually she crossed when the traffic light turned green, it was a good thing that I was driving slowly or I would have hit her," he said as he shook his head at the almost mishap that could have happened.

"Thank you for sharing that information," The EMT then turned to leave.

"Uhm... How is she and her baby?"

"She had experienced some minor contractions that were most probably due to shock. We have stabilized their condition, but we'll know for sure when we get to the hospital."

RJ handed the EMT his card. "Please call me and update me on their condition. If there's anything that they need, please let me know immediately."

The EMT took the card before stepping into the ambulance. "No problem."


He just stood there watching as the lights and siren of the ambulance disappeared from sight and hearing. He took a deep breath and silently said a prayer for the woman and her baby.

Don't you find it a little ironic that RJ is praying for the safety of another woman and her baby when Maine and his baby are also in trouble? What will happen next? Abangan!

Disclaimer: Fully and all disclaimed.
Thank you for reading. 😊💚

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