Chapter 88 Square One

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Credits to Pinterest for the header.
Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN. 💚💚💚💚💚💚


Chapter 88: Square One

The scene unfolded in slow motion as he watched like a spectator in a movie house. His eyes never leaving the heroine as she made a mad dash from the altar towards the man at the back of the church. It looked like one of those classic scenes in romantic movies, the man lifting the girl up in his arms and spinning around 360, planting a kiss afterwards. He was a sucker for happy endings, for God knows he didn't have much of those in his life, particularly in the love department. But with this movie, he wanted to get up and kill the bloody bastard who dared interrupted the wedding. His wedding. The heroine was his wife; never mind that they haven't said their I do's, he had long claimed her as his wife ever since he admitted to himself that he loved her. The bastard is still holding her tight. That wasn't in the script! He specifically requested for a 'and they lived happily ever' after ending! He wanted to stomp and bawl out his frustration.


"Roberto!" Jacinta hastily handed their grandson to him, her heart galloping at the sight of her soon-to-be daughter-in-law in the arms of another man on her wedding day.

Roberto stood up along with his wife and looked where everyone eyes were feasting. "Oh my god."

Roberto gathered his wife to him, afraid that her knees might fold on her and send her to the floor in shock.

Jacinta was glad for the arms that were around her. This can't be truly happening.


Teddy's eyes haven't gone back to their natural slits as he watched his daughter hurl herself at another man. 'I thought he said that he couldn't make it.' On his left, his wife kept on dabbing her eyes to prevent tears of joy from falling. One of her daughter's wish has come true.


Her eyes were watering again. His hands slipped under the veil to brush away the forming tears. "Hey, don't cry. You're going to ruin your make up."

She chuckled. When did he become vain? She must have had an effect on him. "Don't worry. It's a no run formula." She sniffed. "You're so bad you know that."

"Me? Bad? No!" He pinched her nose. "I'm here, aren't I?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "25 minutes late."


"Did he do what I think he did?" Mark gasped.

Alex squinted his eyes. Why couldn't be the sun be at their back instead of in front of them? "Nah, I don't think he kissed her. He didn't lift her veil."

"Well, at least he put her down." Gio added his observation.

Mark shook his head. "But they are still too close for comfort."

"I always assumed that there wasn't any man in her life except for RJ." Alex mused.

"Alex, have you taken a good look at her? If I weren't married and if RJ wasn't like a brother to me..." Mark let his thoughts trail.

"You'd what Mark?" Gio insisted, playing devil's advocate.

"I would have probably pursued her." Mark stated honestly. "Wouldn't you?"

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