Chapter 11: Insensitive

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Credits to Pinterest for the header.
Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN. 💚💚💚💚💚

Chapter 11: Insensitive

~~Maine's Hotel Room~~

Sunlight was already glaring against the window of the hotel room but the ambience inside was that of a cocoon, nurturing the couple still sleeping on the bed. The man stirred from his sleep only to draw the woman beside him closer to nuzzle her neck.

RJ started kissing Maine's nape. "Good morning love!"

Being tickled by his kisses, she turned around in his embrace to face him and give him a kiss in return. "Good morning!"

RJ, overwhelmed by the memories of last night, couldn't resist but take the kiss a little further. Soon the embers of their passion from the night before burst into flames that quickly consumed them in its wake, leaving them exhausted but deeply satisfied.

Maine, not used to this kind of physical activity soon fell to peaceful slumber on RJ's chest afterwards. RJ, still not believing his luck, lay besides her watching her sleep.

RJ stroked her hair. Is this a dream? No. No dream could be this good, he mused. Suddenly, his phone rang. He carefully lifted Maine's head from his chest and laid it on the pillow in order to allow him to bend down and be able to fish his phone from his pants on the floor.

"Hello?" he answered as he settled himself back on the bed. "Daisy! Does it have to be now? I can't... come on... You know your timing really sucks! Ok fine. Where are you? Okay. I'll be there in a few minutes."
RJ jumped from the bed and rushed to the bathroom.

Unbeknownst to RJ, his voice woke Maine up and she was able to hear the rest of the short conversation between him and this Daisy girl. Maine turned on her side, away from RJ so that he wouldn't realize that she overheard him.

'Look at him go! Just a phone call from another girl, he's rushing as if he's on a mission to save the world. Who is she, is she one of his girls? If so, what of his declaration of love last night? Was it just brought on by his passion? Or does he say I love you to every woman he brings to bed so that it would be easier from him to get what he wants? Am I just another of his conquests? What number am I on his list?' She pressed her hands against her ears. 'Enough!' she said to herself as tears roll down her cheeks.

Maine buried her face in the blanket that covered her nakedness so that RJ wouldn't see that she has been crying.

RJ now fully dressed, went to the bed and sat down on Maine's side. "I really must have worn you out. Sleep my angel. I promise, next time, I'll be gentler." he bent down and gave her a kiss on the temple and left the room taking the spare keycard with him.

Maine upon hearing the click of the door lock, sat up and wrapped the blanket around her. "There won't be a next time." she vowed.

~~The Bakehouse Coffee Shop~~

RJ gave his cousin Daisy a hug. "Hey shorty! You grew an inch!" laughing.

Daisy noticed his wrinkled clothing. "I see that you still haven't changed one bit. Still on the rounds huh!"

"None of your business little girl.
What brings you here?"

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