Chapter 53: Of Exchange and Inquiry

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Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN 💚💚💚💚💚

Chapter 53: Of Exchange and Inquiry

~~Fullerton Mansion, Sebastian's Nursery~~

Sebby's escalating cries were bouncing off the walls, making them sound shriller then they actually are.
Maine quickly bent down to pick up her son. "Shhh.. Mommy's here."

RJ gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Daddy too."

Sebastian blinked back tears and gradually quieted down.

"Oh RJ, Madam," nanny Virgie exclaimed in surprise as she walked in the nursery. "I'm so sorry if his cries woke you up. I had to go down to get his bottle." She explained.

Maine gave her a smile. "It's okay. I'm used to waking up with him anyway." She walked to the rocking chair and settled herself down. "RJ could you get his bottle please?"

Nanny Virgie went directly to Maine and gave her the bottle. She stood by the rocking chair unsure of what to do next. RJ seeing her uncertainty gave her discreet nod of dismissal.

Maine shook the bottle. "Put out your hand."

Although he didn't know why, RJ obeyed. Maine dropped some of the milk on his wrist.

"What did you do that for?" RJ asked as he felt the milk drops on his skin.

"We need to know the milk's temperature before we give it to him so that he won't get scalded," Maine explained.


Maine looked up at him. "How does it feel?"

"Warm but not hot, he won't get burned." he answered.

Maine then positioned the bottle near her son's lips. But Sebastian, who had become fussy and impatient again, would have none of it and instead kept on turning his head in the direction of his mother's breast. Her next request both puzzled and excited him.

"RJ, can you please take off your pajama top?" Maine requested.

RJ smiled to himself as he started to unbutton his shirt, finding that some of the buttons were loose. "Maine, you're such a tease you know."

"And you are so wicked." she teased back. "I need your pajama top for myself."

RJ raised his eyebrows.

"I can't very well breastfeed him through my nightshirt now, can I?" raising a question to answer his.

While RJ was busy with the buttons of his shirt, Maine laid their son back in his crib so that she could change into his shirt. When she turned back, RJ was already half-naked. Warm and languorous feelings started building up in the pit of her stomach. She could also feel her breast peaking, not in anticipation of lactating but from the remembrance of what he was about to do a while ago.

He gave her his pajama top. "Here you go." He said, breaking through her thoughts. RJ stood there waiting for her to change.

Maine stared at him, waiting for him to turn and allow her to disrobe.
They both spoke at the same time.

"Why aren't you..." he started.

"Can you please..." she said.

He grinned. "You go first."

She smiled back shyly. "Can you please turn around?"

He raised an eyebrow at her. "Maine I've seen you before.." he reminded her.

She looked down. "I know but please!"

Maine didn't have to add the word please. When RJ saw and felt her unease, he quickly did a 360 on his heels. When Maine saw him turn around, she quickly pulled up the hem of her nightshirt and threw it over her head. She slipped her arms through his still warm pajama shirt and started buttoning it up.

He really didn't mean to peek but what could he do? The mirror in the nursery gave the finest and best view in the room. RJ had to control his breathing when he saw her almost naked form reflected in the mirror. Motherhood has really been good to her. Instead of marring her figure, it even enhanced it. RJ couldn't help but be in awe of the gentle swoop of her breast, the flare of her hips and smoothness of her stomach.

"Here let me help you with that." RJ said when he saw her in mirror struggling with some of the loose buttons. He was about to close the last 3 buttons on top when her hand stopped him.

"That's enough." Maine handed him her nightshirt. "Here, you can wear this in the meantime. I don't want
you to catch cold," her index finger touching his nose playfully.

RJ lay the shirt on him and looked back at her as she settled herself once again in the rocking chair, Sebastian in her arms. "I don't think this will fit me, " he laughed. "I think I'll just stick to my own size, thank you."

She chuckled. "Suit yourself. Just don't stand there half-naked in this kind of temperature, it's a chilly morning." Imploring him to do her bidding, for his health and hers. Despite the season, Maine was feeling the heat with him parading before her eyes half-naked.

RJ came back dressed in a white t-shirt. When he entered the nursery again, the vision that greeted him filled his whole being with awe, tenderness and love.

Maine's head was bent down, whispering sweet nothings to her son. Sebastian was holding onto one of her fingers while busily suckling on his mommy's breast. The morning sun filtering through the window behind them illuminated them, giving the whole scene an ethereal feeling.
RJ leaned on the doorframe and crossed his arms on his chest, letting the warm feeling envelop him. He couldn't believe that he has his very own Madonna and child in the person of Maine and Sebastian.

Sebastian, as if sensing that they were being observed, turned his head towards the door where his father was standing. Maine followed her son's gaze and found hers held by his father's. Maine blushed, she knew that her breast was exposed to his gaze. She fixed herself while RJ walked towards them. He made a small detour to Sebastian's drawer and got himself a towel which he place on his shoulder. When he reached them, he took Sebby from Maine's arms and started to burp him, gently patting the baby's back while humming Twinkle, twinkle. In no time, Sebastian had already burped and was drifting off to sleep again.

Maine stood up, hugging father and son, wrapping her arms around the two from RJ's back, swaying gently to further lull their baby to sleep, placing fleeting kisses on Sebastian's cheeks and lips, and onto RJ's back between his shoulder blades. After some time, she touched RJ on the shoulder, "He's fast asleep. You can put him down now," she whispered.

RJ laid the now asleep Sebastian ever so gently on his cot while Maine covered him with his Winnie the Pooh blanket, gently tapping Sebby's bum to settle and soothe him. He placed his arm around Maine's shoulder and leaned into her. "Thank you," he said as they stood by their son's crib.

Maine turned to him. "For what?"

"For you. For Sebastian. For making me whole." He told her as he kissed her forehead. Maine wrapped him in her embrace and closed her eyes to savor the moment.


Sweet! 🥰🥰❤️💚

Disclaimer: Fully and all disclaimed.
Thank you for reading. 😊💚

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