Chapter 72 Period

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Credits to Pinterest for the header.
Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN. 💚💚💚💚💚


Chapter 72: Period

"Yes?" Maine asked as she held the door open.

The maid showed her a large bouquet of red roses. "Señorita, these just came in for you."

Maine opened the door wider and let the servant in. "Just place it on the couch along with the rest."

She sat on the edge of their bed, watching the servant arrange the 18th bouquet that came in since after lunch. The couch was starting to look like the edge of a rainbow with the assortment of colors of the roses that he sent. And each note that accompanied the bouquet contained the same words.

'I'm sorry. I love you.'

When the servant left the room, Maine rushed to the couch and smelled her flowers. She had long forgiven him before the first bouquet arrived. She completely understood that he needed to be there and that he needed to finish his work before he takes a month long vacation. She knew and understood the word responsibility. As to why she was ignoring his calls and texts, Maine smiled to herself as she brought the bouquet of blue roses to her nose, she just didn't feel like talking to him. Period.

Maine laughed at herself. She was being illogical and irrational, swinging from one mood to the next like Tarzan. And there was only one explanation for it. She opened an app on her phone and checked.

RJ massaged his nape to ease the tension of the day's work. The second call from Hong Kong this afternoon was a mixture of good and bad news. Their latest project was getting wide consumer support but there are some bureaucratic red tape that needed to be dealt with. The partners are calling for revision of the proposals. They emailed the revisions and asked that he approve as soon as possible. To top it all off, Maine never took his calls. The few times he was able to squeeze in a minute or two to call the house phone between meetings, he was told she was asleep. His gut feeling was telling him that she was avoiding him. So he sent her roses in the hopes that it would mollify her feelings.

But that still didn't work. And he was sure that him missing lunch and dinner wasn't helping his cause. RJ released a frustrated sigh. He looked up in surprise as a bouquet of mums landed on his desk. "Maine?" He closed the folder he was reading. "What are you doing here?"

She placed the containers she had with her on his desk, "Am I forbidden to come here?" and started opening the lids.

"Of course not. I thought you were angry with me." He said, his stomach grumbling as the aroma of the food that she brought filled the room.

She took an empty container and filled it with viand and rice. "That's correct." She smiled at his confusion. "I was." She walked around his desk and sat on it.

When RJ opened his mouth to ask her what made her change her mind, Maine immediately feed him. "That was delicious. Who made it? I'm sure it isn't Mamá's cooking."

Maine wiped the sauce on his lips, "I did," and fed him some more. "Actually, Nanny Virgie taught me." Maine turned and served herself some green mango with salt and chili. She squinted her eyes as the sourness, saltiness and spiciness taste kicked in. "Wonderful."

RJ, curious as to what she ate, decided to try it as well. "Aaacckk! How can you say it's wonderful? It's so... aaccckk!" Gulping the contents of his water bottle.

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