"Naw, it ain't."

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Cuz I do. How much you wanna bet," he said pulling out a wad of cash. I rolled my eyes.

I thought for a second before responding, "How about your Ghost?"

"My white Royce?" He reiterated.

"Yes sir," I said swallowing my food and reaching in my bag for a body armor.

"And what you gone give me if I win?"

"A baby," I laughed.

"Whatchu mean a baby? I'm gone get a baby regardless."

"Fine, then you get to keep your Rolls Royce. If it's a girl that means I win and I get your car. If you win, you get to keep your car. Is that fair?"

"Mmhmm," he smirked down at me.

"Ok cool," I said bouncing in my seat. Dashawn stood and walked to the other end of the room and lit a blunt.

"You can have whatever you want. Yo ass don't need to make bets."

"You started it. Plus, there ain't nothing wrong with some healthy competition."

Honestly, I don't really care to have his Royce, but he's always so sure of himself and so cocky. He's been saying that it's a boy for a while now and I have a gut feeling that it's not. I will not pass up the opportunity to wipe that smirk off of his face and take his car at the same time. He got enough cars as it is anyway.

I shimmied off of the couch and placed the empty containers on the table. I was stuffed.

"I have to pee. I'll be back." I didn't wait for his response and just left. I made it to the bathroom. There was only three stalls but luckily no one was in any of them. I placed down some tissue because squatting just wasn't an option anymore. When I was done, I washed my hands. Just as I was grabbing a paper towel, someone came in.

"Asha?" I looked up seeing a half naked Penny

"Oh, hey Penny."

"Look at you! You are glowing."

"Oh, uh. Thank you."

"Can I touch your stomach?" I nodded and she gently placed her hands on my belly. I watched her reaction closely. Her eyes lit up similar to how Dashawn's eyes do, but not nearly as intense. I haven't seen Penny since the beginning of my pregnancy when I wasn't showing at all. This must be a shock to her, especially since I don't really try to hide my pregnancy anymore. I still wear baggy clothes so that it doesn't draw a lot of attention, but I'm not hiding. I don't care who sees my belly now, especially after how Cairo reacted. I constantly think about the way he looked at me. I'd rather for people to just know then for me to go out of my way to hide it. If I were just honest to begin with, maybe Cairo would have understood. Maybe if I had spent my time trying to explain everything to him instead of being secretive about it, he wouldn't have gotten the wrong idea. Maybe he felt betrayed. Shit, I don't know. It still fucks me up when I think about. I think he blocked me too because every time I try to call him his phone goes straight to voicemail.

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