Spot Conlon x Reader PART 2

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Requested by: 26mking

Your POV:

Weeks had past and a few night a week, Spot would come home with the same girls perfume on his collar and lipstick on his cheek. He would claim he was just helping them but what are the odds of the same woman needing help. All. The. Time.?

I didn't want to say anything until he came home, obviously drunk and with the girl!!!

As soon as I saw him I slapped him across the face. "I knew it!" I screamed at him and went to our room to pack my stuff for good this time. I made sure to pack quickly. Quicker than last time so there would be no chance of stopping me.

I hadn't realized the tears running down my face until my suitcase started getting wet too.

I zipped it up and ran out of the house. I passed Spot, who happened to be unconscious, and the girl tending to him.

I couldn't take it anymore so I just ran. I ran out of our apartment, out of our neighborhood and even out of Brooklyn.

I couldn't stop. I needed to get away from him. He lied to me!!! cheated on me!!! He doesn't deserve me!!!

I didn't stop until I ran into someone. I'm honestly shocked I didn't run into anyone sooner.

As soon as we collided, my suitcase opened and all my clothes and small objects fell out.

"Of course..." I muttered and started cleaning up my items off the sidewalk and street.

The guy I bumped into kept walking. He seemed unfazed by the situation.

Luckily another guy came to help. This one I recognized as Jack Kelly.

"Need some help?" He asked, his soothing voice rang through my ears louder than all the New York traffic around me.

"That would be nice I guess..." I said quietly, still re-organizing my suitcase.

"Isn't you Spot Conlons girl?" He asked, his New York accent heavy and breathtaking.

"Ex-girl actually." I said, not looking at him.

"So you're free tonight?"

"I never said that."

"Don't you want the Jack Kelly Experience?"

"No. No thank you." I picked up suitcase (which I re-packed by myself) and walked away.

I don't need guys anymore. Especially play-boys and heart breakers.

All I need right now is to find Kathrine Pulitzer, my dear friend, and beg- I mean ask her if I can stay with her and her rich dad for a bit until I can find my own place on my own.

"This might be harder than I thought-"

A/N: 5 votes for part 3!!!

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