Philidosia: Mean Girls

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A/N: Just watched the Mean Girls movie so here we go! Also some of this stuff is taken from the movie so it's not my idea 100% but oh well I guess.

Narrator POV:

Theo had dreams ever since her mother died when she was three. Yes, her dreams changed over time but two of them stuck since middle school.

1) become a popular girl

2) date the hottest guy in school, Philip Hamilton.

She knew that their dads were basically enemies but that didn't stop her crush on him.

She knew better than to tell her dad. If she did, they would end up having "the talk", which would lead to him ranting about Alexander, then back to stuff, and then him crying.

She definitely didn't want that to happen so she kept her guard up. Barely letting anyone in, except her friends Julia Madison and Thomas Jefferson Jr. Julia and Thomas were a thing so it got awkward at times but they were usually chill about it.

Anyway, it was a warm spring day. It also happened to be a Wednesday. They day the "Plastics" wear pink.

Like I said, Theo desperately wanted to be a popular girl (or "plastic" as everyone calls them) and she finally found her chance to get into the group.

Auditions for the Spring talent show
Third Plastic Needed

This was all she needed to do! She just needed to audition and if she gets the role, she might be a plastic!


A few days later it was the audition day and Theo was so excited she wasn't looking where she was going.


Theo had bumped into someone she never expected to.

Philip Hamilton.

She felt her face heat up and she stood up, embarrassed that she just bumped into her crush.

"S-sorry! I wasn't looking.. I just got so excited for this audition a d your really cute and-" she cut herself off mid-rant.

Philip had his gaze fixed upon her eyes. The most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.

"I'm glad you think I'm cute because you are too." Philip said when Theo stopped.

He saw her go beat red and he did the same.

"Can I walk you to your audition?" Philip asked.

Theo just nodded and they started on their way to the music room.

"So you can sing?" Philip asked, trying to start small talk.

"At least I think so... and my dad says so..." Theo trailed off.

"Can I hear?" Philip asked.

"I guess..." Theo said, trying to think of a song to sing.

She decided to go with her favourite song from her favourite musical. Into The Woods.

"Now I know things now many valuable thing that I hadn't knows before~" she sang as they got closer to the music room.

"Do not put your faith in a Cape and a hood they will not protect you the way that they should and take extra care with strangers even flowers have their dangers and though scary is exciting nice is different than good." She finished, not realizing they had stopped in the music room a bit ago.

Philip clapped.

Theo heard someone say from behind her "she doesn't even go here!" But she shrugged it off.

The plastics looked at Theo. Fury in their eyes since each one of them wanted Philip for themselves. Theo, however, had caught Philip's eye and he knew that she liked him back.

"Hey Pip.... I don't wanna audition anymore... can you walk me home?" Theo asked him, trying to be extra quiet.

"Yeah of course Theo." He said, walking you out.

The plastics had followed Pip and Theo out but they didn't care.

The plastics got in a memorable pink Ferrari and called to the youngest one who was still just leaving the school. "GET IN LOSER WE'RE GOING SHOPPING!"

Theo chuckled to herself as she and Philip walked to her house. There was a comfortable silence over them. It was peaceful.

When they got to her door, Philip kissed her goodbye just like in all the Hallmark movies but unfortunately her dad saw. And his dad saw. And they were now both grounded for weeks.

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