„Harry who is that girl you are with?"
„What happened to you in that accident?"
„Why didn't you perform during the last few shows?"
„Will you perform tonight?"

They came closer and closer and my heart started racing. I was panicking and pulled him even closer to me, trying to protect him.
The fans noticed too and started to yell at them to stop. They placed themselves in front of the paparazzi and told them to make space for us. They were so nice and caring.

„Thank you guys." I smiled back at them when we finally made it through and already saw the gate in the back.
The fans were screaming when they heard me talking to them. They smiled at me and waved and it made me feel good actually...maybe they finally accepted me...

We headed towards the back gate and saw someone very familiar standing in front of it.

„Hey Paul mate, how are you?" Harry smiled at him as he carefully made his way up to him while I still held onto him.

„Harry!" He immediately smiled back when he recognized him. I could tell Paul really cared about the boys, since they knew each other for a few years now.
„How are you Harry? I heard you head a pretty tough time the last few weeks." Paul asked.

„I'm getting better, thanks. No quite ready to go on stage again but I will be soon." Harry explained.

„Well it's good to see you on your feet again, we were all really worried about you." He said.

„I'm glad too." Harry responded.

After a quick chat, he let us through the gate and we entered the backdoor of the stadium.

„Where is everybody?" I whispered so they wouldn't hear us coming since Harry wanted it to be a surprise.

„Probably in the dressing room." He whispered back, so we walked up to the door that led to the dressing room and I slowly opened it. They were all surprised when they saw Harry limping in the room by my side.

„Heeey lads." Harry called, still with a pretty weak voice.
Their faces were hilarious when they realized it was him.

„Heeeeeey!" They started cheering. „Oi oiiii!" I heard Louis and they all got up to greet us.

„Harry Styles, you're on your feet again, I can't believe it, how are you feeling?" Louis came up to hug him.

„Oow, fuck." Harry winced in pain as Louis hugged him a bit too tight. „My rib is still broken." he let out a laugh.

„I'm so sorry lad." Louis instantly pulled back and placed his hand in front of his mouth.

„It's okay." Harry said and pulled him in again to hug him properly.

They all came to hug him and even hugged me to greet me.
„So how are you feeling lad?" Liam asked.

„Better but not quite ready to go back on stage and perform" he told them, placing a hand on his belly.

„No worries, take your time." Liam said.

„Why does your stomach hurt so much?" Zayn asked worriedly.

Harry pulled up his shirt and showed them his incision that stretched over his belly.
„Because I had to get surgery to fix some things in there."

„Ah shit, that looks painful." Liam said.

„I tell you, it is fucking painful. Don't get ever hit by a car." He laughed.

„It's good to see you H, you're looking better since the last time we saw you, you have to take care of yourself and rest." Niall said.

„That's what I told him but he is doing pretty good so far." I smiled.

„Yeah, listen to her!" Louis said. „But Niall is right, we're happy you're okay and recovering, so take it easy, lad."

„I will." Harry answered. „Hey, um, can I sit down, I'm exhausted."

„Of course." They all said in a chorus and made space for him on the couch. I slowly walked over with him still in my arms and carefully let him sit down. He rested his knee on the couch table and let out a heavy breath.

„Thanks, love." he said and placed a kiss on my lips. All of the boys looked surprised and started smiling at us when they saw us kissing.

„Shit, didn't I tell you?" Harry asked and they all shook their head.

„Grace is my girlfriend." He proudly said.

„Wow, finally. Congrats guys." Niall said, followed by the others.

The boys soon had to go to their soundcheck and left the room. When I looked at Harry, I saw how tired he was. He still didn't have a lot of strength, so already walking around made him feel exhausted and powerless.

„You can go to the soundcheck to listen to them if you want. I'll take a nap." Harry said as he rested his head on a pillow.

„Are you gonna be okay alone?"

„I will, don't worry." he smiled.

„Alright, see you later then." I said and place a kiss on his head.

„Enjoy it." he called on my way out.

„I will." I smiled at him and left the room.

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