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     Y/n sat down on the fence of the garden to the little house in the middle of a big field of flowers. She admired her husband and daughter infront of her playing Quidditch without brooms on the ground.

«I know you will make the team this year, Willow» George said and tossed her the quaffle.

«I hope so... I really wanna be a beater like you were» Willow smiled up at her father.

«With my genes that is a guarantee» George chuckled and ruffled up his daughters hair.

The familiar brunette girl Y/n once knew stepped out of the house and watched George and Willow play. «It's dinner time, honey!» She called for George. «Hurry up before Roxanne eats everything»

«We're coming!» George called back and grabbed Willow's hand to pull her with him inside. He didn't manage to do so when Willow tilted her head in Y/N's direction.

They locked eyes for a second before Willow turned to face George. «I'll be inside in 5 minutes. I just gotta do something first» She told him and looked over to Y/n once more.

«Hurry up then» George said and disappeard inside the house.

Y/n didn't first understand what happened before Willow approached her. «Mum» Willow breathed out with a smile as she got tears in her eyes.

«You can see me?» Y/n asked surprised and jumped down from the fence.

«Yes» A tear rolled down Willow's face and hit the green summergrass. «Is it really you? Are you back?» She couldn't keep in her excitement.

«No... no, Willow» Y/n had to answer before Willow tried to hug her. «It looks like you have inherited my 'gift'» Y/n slightly chuckled as a tear rolled down her face.

«I've missed you so much» Willow was now fully crying. «I need to tell dad. He's gonna be so happy that you're here» She was about to run off to fetch George when Y/n grabbed her arm.

They both looked down at Y/N's hand on her arm which miracoulusly didn't go right through. 

«You can't tell your father... Never» Y/n pulled her daughter in for a hug. «I'm his past, Angelina is his future» She whispered in Willow's ear.

«Angelina isn't you» Willow sobbed onto Y/N's shoulder.

«She's been great at raising you from what I have seen» Y/n stroked her daughters back.

«I could bring you back. Like you did with Bernard» Willow said as she pulled away.

«I didn't bring him back. I gave him a physical body for a few hours once» Y/n replied.

«I can do that to you! We can be a family again» Willow was shaking as she stood there talking to a person she had missed dearly for the past 6 years.

«No we can't» Y/n placed her hands on Willow's shoulders. «Your father is married to Angelina now. They have a daughter and a son on the way which they do not know of yet. And I'm... dead.. If you didn't suddenly have inherited these powers we wouldn't even have had this conversation. You would have been inside, eating»

«But I can give you a physical body...»

«No, Willow. I am gone. Forever. Don't try to bring me back. Not ever. This was my faith. It's been six years. I accepted it a long time ago» Y/n sniffled and dried her tears away. She let out a shaky breath. «You need to go now»

«Will I see you again?» She asked with a shaky voice.

«I don't know» Y/n answered. «I love you Willow, and your father so much. And I would have sacraficed myself a thousand times for the two of you.... Now go. Hurry up before Angelina starts wondering if you don't like her taco's» She slightly chuckled.

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