Chapter 38: Goblet Of Fire

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•••••••••••••••The next day•••••••••••••••

I sat next to Hermione and talked when George and Fred came running. I looked behind me to see them high-fiving a lot of student's that thought they would succeed. «Do you think it's gonna work?» I asked Hermione.

«Not a chance» She answered.

I hope they fail... People have died in this tournament...

«Hope you're right...»

«It's not going to wooooork» Hermione said in a singy-songy voice.

«Oh?» Fred asked and sat down next to her.

«And why is that Granger?» George asked and sat down aswell.

«You see this? This is an age line Dumbledore drew it himself.» She rolled her eyes like a know it all. This time I hope Ms 'Know it all' actually know it all.

«So?» Fred grinned at her.

«So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't
possibly be fooled by something pathetically
dimwitted such as an ageing potion!» She shrugged.

«But that is why it's so brilliant» Fred smirked.

«Because it's pateticly dimwitted!» George smirked aswell. He handed me a bottle. «Drink it»

«Why?» I asked, caught of guard.

«You're entering too» He said, handing me a note with my name and stood up. «Ready Fred?»

«Ready George!»

«Bottoms up!» They said in union.

Ugh... I'll just die with them

I lifted the bottle to my lips. «Bottoms up, ey..?» I said and downed the potion. The past month, they had been pulling me with them on all kinds of pranks and stupidity idea's. This wouldn't work anyways.

I got up and walked into the circle togheter with the twins. They made everyone cheer when we wasn't kicked out. They put their notes in first and then I put in mine. The Goblet didn't do anything. «Yeah..!!» They cheered and high-fived. But right after that, a blue fire errupted and threw them out of the circle while I was still standing in the circle.

I looked at them laying on the ground. Their hair had grown long and turned white. They also had a giant beard and weird eyebrows. Everyone started to laugh at them.

«You said!»

«You said!» They yelled to each other and started to fight.

Everyone gathered in a circle and started to shout. «Fight! Fight! Fight!» I looked over to them rolling around on the floor. No one had noticed that I was still standing in the circle.

I walked out and tried to separate them.
«Stop it! Let go!!» I yelled and tried to pull them off each other. Ron came over and helped me.

Everyone turned around to see Viktor Krum walk into the hall. He put his name in the Goblet and turned around to walk out again. I looked at him as well as everyone and saw him and Hermione exchange looks. I raised my left eyebrow and got a tiny smirk on my lips. «What are you smirking for?» George asked.

«Nothing» I answered and helped them off the floor. «Let's go to the hospital wing»

I took both of their arms and pulled them with me. They gave Dumbledore a run for his money with that beard.

We arrived at the Infermary and they sat down at a bed each. «Do I look handsome with this beard?» George asked me.

«Very» I said in a sarcastic voice. «I like older guys, but not this older...» I chuckled.

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