Chapter 93: Another wedding

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I woke up to an empty bed in the twins's room. «Where the hell are you now..?» I muttered angrily and stood up. I took a look at the clock and it was already much. «He let me oversleep...» I groaned and stood up.

I got ready for the day and headed downstairs to beat the shit out of him. Temper was my middlename these days. I looked into the kitchen and saw Ginny and Harry kiss. Hahahaha... tension... George snuck up behind them and took a look at me before interrupting them. «Morning» He dragged out the 'O'. He winked at them and took a sip of his tea. Ginny hurried off and Harry was left to see George giving him a 'I see, I see' look. Harry didn't know what to do and turned around just to see me holding in a laugh.

«Don't laugh. You're pregnant..» He rolled his eyes and hurried away. I only laughed more now. But Ouch Harry... Ouch...

«Morning, my beautiful wife» George smiled at me.

«Morning, husband with toothbrush in his ear» I greeted him aswell. He chuckled and took it out.

«Getting ready for the day, you know» He told me.

«You look very handsome» I smiled at him.

«You look very beautiful» He approached me and pecked me on the lips. «New dress?»

«Borrowed from Hermione» I told him.

«Gorgeous» He smiled.

«You're not gonna make a dirty comment about it?» I asked, surprised that he didn't joke. It was an appropriate dress, but it's George we're talking about here.

«Nope» He answered and looked down at my stomach.

And now I know why he's being nice.

«It's growing..» I told him. «My stomach will get bigger...»

«I didn't say anything» He smiled. «You look beautiful even with a bowling ball shaped belly»

«Good. But it's not that big yet. Now you only have to be nice for maybe two more years beacuse of the extra fat that comes with being pregnant» I raised an eyebrow at him.

«I don't care about a little bit of extra fat» He cupped my face and shoved me slightly backwards. «I have to help them set up the tent. See ya» Sometimes he doesn't act like a husband, but more like the hamburger seller down the street of Grimmuald Place.

«Fine...» I muttered. «I'll go and... do something...»


The wedding was going well. At least this far. They should have done it earlier, before the war was fully here. Fleur and Bill danced their first dance as husband and wife while we others cheered for them. Fleur looks much better as a blonde than as a Harry. «Wanna dance? Or eat?» George asked me.

«Probably dance» I replied with a smile and took his hand. First time in the history that I wanted to dance. I was just so happy that he was alright. He could've died that night...

«Dance? I was almost sure that you would answer that you wanted food» He chuckled and placed his hand on my waist and the other one in my hand.

«I would've. Usually. But this day isn't usually» I smiled. We started moving to the music like the others did.

«Ms» Someone said. «Ms?» Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw an elder lady.

«It's Mrs Weasley» George corrected her with a grin.

Anything for you George Weasley X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ