Chapter 3: Hermione Granger

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Avoiding George and Fred was quite hard actually. They were everywhere! I had to eat at the end of the Ravenclaw table with Luna sometimes actually. The week was very exhausting, but luckily we didn't have a any classes togheter.

••••••••••••••One week later•••••••••••••••

I sat in the library studdying for potions when I saw Hermione sitting down next to me.

«Hello Y/n» She said while opening her book.

«Hi Hermione» I greeted her back and smiled at her.

«I haven't seen you all week» She said looking up from her book.

«Oh yeah. I have tried to avoid someone This week» I said chuckling.

«Are- are you wearing a Ravenclaw robe?» She asked me confused.

«Yes» I answered and nodded. «I am»

«Can I ask why you are wearing it?» She wondered. Understandable.

«It's a part of the disguise I'm using to avoid a person» I explained to her.

«Who are you avoiding?» She asked me. 'Very nosy today Hermione' I thought. «Is it someone from our house?»

«Eh.... Yes it is, but I...» I hesitated on answering. Hermione and I were kind of 'friends', but it was more like 'study friends' if we met each other while studying. I don't know if I could trust her with that secret, especially since she knows the twins.

«You can trust me, I wont tell them that you are avoiding them» She said smiling hopefully to get some gossip.

«....twins....» I muttered with my hand over my mouth and leaned back in the chair.

«W-What did you say?» She asked again.

«...the twins...» I muttered.

«You're avoiding the twins? Did They prank you?» She asked sternly.

«No...» I said. I decided just to tell her the story and get judged if that was what she did.

She couldn't stop laughing.

«Why do you care?» She asked

«Well, its weird to tell the truth now» I huffed, crossing my arms.

«Maybe it is...» She shruggged, looking down at the table. We sat in silence, but it broke when we heard two voices coming towards us. We looked to our left to see the twins coming towards us.

«Studying Granger, again?» Fred chuckled.

«Don't you do anything else?» George added to the question. 

«Shut up» She rolled her eyes at them.

The twins looked to their side to se me sitting there looking down in the table.

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