Chapter 4: Detention

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I had just left Fred and George down in the Great Hall so I could sneak into my room. I ran into the common room, and up to my dorm room.

I closed the door behind me and jumped onto my bed. «Argh!!»

Regina stepped out of the bathroom and looked at me rolling around in my bed.
«Are you all right?» She asked me.

«Noooooo. I have detention with George Weasley. AND SNAPE» I shouted into my pillow.

«Oh. So you have to wear your own uniform?» She asked. «The lie couldn't last very long when you decided to hang out with them» She chuckled.

«How do you know about that?» I asked sitting up.

«I met Hermione in the common room» She told me.

«Oh» I shrugged. «You're right. I practicaly asked for this...» I groaned in annoyance.

«Are they fun to hang out with at least?» She asked sitting down on her bed.

«I guess, but it was a bit awkward too, you know.. since I had never talked to them before a week ago»

«I see» She said. «Anyway... Good luck!» She said laughing and giving me thumbs up.

George's POV:

Y/n had just left and Fred and I walked into the Great Hall. «We should have found her earlier» Fred said to me.

«We should» I answered him.

We sat down at the table next to Ron and Harry. «Watch Filch fall in love with Snape» We smirked.

«What have you two done now?» Ron asked.

«We put love potion in Flich's coffee, he's going to fall in love with Snape» I said grinning.
«Me and Y/n got detention, but it was worth it»

«I didn't know you hang out with Y/n» Ron said.

«You know Y/n?» I asked Ron. Does everyone know Y/n except us?

«Yes?» He answered like it was obvious that he knew her. «Or, we talk sometimes when we meet»

We saw Filch coming running inside and ran straight towards the teachers table. He saw Snape and started hugging him. Everyone laughed at them. Snape tried to get away from him when he casted a spell at him.

«Get off!» He shouted and ran out of the Great Hall.

«Argus!» Dumbledore shouted and Filch turned to look at him. He examined him and recognised it to be a love potion. He walked up to him and undid the love potion with a single swish of his wand. The short amount of time it lasted was the funniest time ever.

Ron and Harry got up from the table and said goodbye. «Have fun in detention» Ron chuckled before they walked off.


It was time for detention. I walked down the hallway on my way to Snapes classroom when I saw Y/n right in front of me entering his classroom.

«Hey» I greeted her. She turned around to look at me and said greeted me back.

I noticed that she was wearing Gryffindor robes, but I didn't coment on it. Weird, but she got a lot of Gryffindor friends apperantly.

Anything for you George Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now