Chapter 28: The Qudditch World Cup part 2.

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A/n: Not a very interesting chapter, but I think the next one is xD at least it's better than this. I think. Enjoy!

George and I lied down, snuggled in next to eachother. He had one arm around my waist and the played with my hair. «You smell really good-» It just blurted out. I'll just kill myself...

«I smell good..-?» He asked with a nervous chuckle.

«Ehm... yes...» I whispered, the embarresment was killing me! I couldn't see it, but his whole face turned red.

«Ehm... I..-» He was about to say something when Remus called.

«You've been in there for to long!» Remus called. «George has to go now!»

«You don't have to go» I sat up and looked up at George who stood up.

«He wants me to leave»

He reached out his hand and pulled me up. We stepped out of my room and I walked him to the entrence of the tent. «Maybe I'll see you tomorrow» I awkwardly smiled as he nodded. I think he leaned in for a hug and I kissed him on the cheek-

«See ya..» His smile was surprised, but soft. We waved goodbye as he left the tent.

I turned around to look at Remus.
«Did you have to send him away?»

«No kissing or hugging»
«I'm watching out for you until Sirius gets back» He chuckled.

«We're just friends»
«Honestly. How many times do I have to say it...» Hehe...

Remus and I spent rest of the day playing exploading snap and Wizard chess. I went to bed early, I wanted to get some proper rest before the game tomorrow.

•••••••••••••••••The next day••••••••••••••••••••

I woke up on the floor. I didn't notice that I fell out of bed. «How...?» I muttered. I got up from the floor and walked out the door and into the bathroom.

I got ready for the day and headed into the kitchen. I made breakfast and set the table.
Remus came into the kitchen and sat down.
«You didn't have to make it alone» He looked at all the food.

«That's Okey. You brought me here, so I owe you»

The day went on and I hoped George and the others would come over here, something they didn't. He never showed me where their tent were and I didn't want to get lost in the chaos outside so I couldn't visit them either.

The game would soon begin and I did my face painting.
I painted the Irish flag in my cheeks and a threeclover on my forehead.


We arrived at the stadium and our seats where almost at the top.
«Great...We have to walk all the way up there...» I groaned.

We walked past the Malfoy's on our way up. I looked Draco in the eyes while walking past him. He rolled his eyes at the sight of me.

We got to our seats and waited. It was very exciting to see the big stadium. Everyone started cheering and I knew something important was happening based on the volume. The bulgarian mascots entered the field, it was Veela's. Every guy in the stadium was leaning over the railing, trying to get to the dancing Veela's. Isn't this lovley...
«Sit down Remus!» I had to pull him back in his seat when he tried to jump off the stands. After a little rage from the Veela's, they left the field. Not so loved when you look like weird birds, are you?

Anything for you George Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now