Chapter 15: Bullies

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Christmas break was over and Regina, Zoe and Clarissa/Clary was back at Hogwarts again. They told me everything about their Christmas. I didn't tell them about mine, mostly because I don't remember it, but also because I didn't want them to worry about me.

«Hurry up Y/n! All the croissants will be eaten!» She shouted and I ran out of the bathroom.

«Yes, yes!» I shouted and ran out the door.

Regina, Zoe, Clary and I walked down to the Great Hall and sat down.
«Yes! There are still one crossaint left» I cheered and reached out to take it when I saw another hand reach out for it behind me. The hand took the crossaint before I reached it.
«Seriously!? That crossaint is mine!» I said angrily and turned around to se George eating the it.

«Sorry. It was the only one left» He said with a smirk.

«Stupid git...» I muttered sitting down again and reached out for an apple.

«Move it» George said pushing away the guy that sat next to me.
He sat down next to me and looked at me eating my apple.

I looked over at him. «Did you want something?» I asked annoyed.

«No» He said while he kept looking at me.

«Stop glaring at me» I snorted, shoving him in the shoulder. He only laughed a bit and got up.

«I'll see you later» He said with a small wave.

«Sure» I answered and kept on eating the apple.

I looked over to Regina, Zoe and Clary who had big smiles on their faces. They winked and wiggled their eyebrows at me.
«What are you doing?» I asked nervously.

«The question is....What are you doing..?» Zoe asked with the dumbest smirk ever.

«I'm not doing anything?» I replied in confusion.

«Oh please! You flirted with him!» She giggled.
«What happened during Christmas and why didn't you tell us!?»

«I didn't flirt and nothing 'happened' during Christmas?» I answered really confused.

«Really? Why do you see him later then?» She asked crossing her arms smugly.

«Because we're friends and we are going iceskating later» I furrowed my eyebrows still confused.

«ALONE?» All three of them said at the same time.

«Only him and I, yes»
«But we're just friends. Am I not allowed to have a guy friend now?»

«Fine....» They gave in.


Clary, Zoe, Regina and I walked to potion class ready to get yelled at by Snape like always.
«I have really not missed Snape...» Clary groaned.

«Me neither» The other two said.

We walked inside and sat down in the work-groups Snape had partnered us up with.

I was partnered up with these two bitches from Slytherin. «Hello Kathrine...» I muttered as I sat down. «Edward...»

«L/n...» They muttered back.
Kathrine looked me up and down and snorted.

«You look even worse than before Christmas» She said.

«Agreed» Edward nodded.

I just rolled my eyes at them pretending that they didn't get under my skin, but the truth is that they did. Not for long though. They were just horrible people who fed on other peoples misery.

Snape had us brew a poison which could slow your heartbreat to 1 beat in the minute. After that he taught us the antidote. If you swallowed the poison, you would have 20 minutes before you die unless you had the antidote.

«Taste it l/n» Edward said holding it up for me to taste it.

«Taste it yourself» I said annoyed.
After an hour, both the poison and the antidote was done.
Snape looked at studied it for a while and if I'm not mistaken.... I belive I saw a tiny smile. He was proud of us. Deep down.

«Class dismissed...» He said in his cold voice.

After potion, it was time for charms and after that flying.

We walked out of the classroom and walked down the hall when someone pushed me into the wall. «Watch where you're going L/n!» Edward said and pushed me away.

«You little...!» I said and raised my wand and pointed it at him. He put his arms up in fear of what curse I could put on him.

«Y/n...» Regina said. «He's not worth it..» She said and tried to get me to lower my wand.

«You're right....» I said and lowered my wand.

«Aww... Probably for the best... You dont want to embarres yourself infront of all these people»
«I bet you can't even do a simple spell» He laughed and high-fived his friends. The other Slytherins joined in on the laugh.

I quickly lifted up my wand and shouted a spell.

Edward was thrown back into the air and landed on his back. I pointed the wand at the others and they backed off.

I walked over to Edward and stood over him.
«Can't even do a simple blocking spell... Embarresing» I snorted and kicked him in the stomach there he layed on the ground.

I walked away while he was laying on the ground catching his breath. Regina, Zoe and Clary hurried after me.

«When did you get so violent?» Zoe said laughing.

«I'm not violent. I'm just pissed» I muttered in anger.

I started walking faster and walked into another corridor than Reg, Zoe and Clary. «Where are you going?» Regina asked. «Charms is this way»

«I need to clear my mind» I said back and walked off.

I walked out to the courtyard and sat down on a bench.
I actually wanted to cry because I was so mad, but I never really cry unless I'm in serious pain.

«What's wrong?» A voice behind me asked.

«Nothing» I answered not turning to look at them.

«Go away» I muttered.

«We can't do that» The voices said in unison and sat down on each side of me. «What's wrong?» Fred asked.

«Nothing I said...»

«We have eyes Y/n» George said with a concearned look in his eyes.

After sitting in silence for a while I opened my mouth to speak. «It's just my potion partners. They are both spoiled arses...» I muttered and let out an annoyed sigh by the thought of them.

«Who's your partners?» George asked.

«Kathrine Norton and Edward Emsworth» I replied. «But I did hex Emsworth» I said with a smug smile.

Fred and George looked at eachother and got up from the bench. «We got so many great pranking idea's already!» Fred said with a wide smile.

«Seriously? You will do that for me?» I asked with wide eyes and a little smile.

«No one get to touch a hair on your head» George sounded very protective of me.

I smiled at their words. It meant much to me that they were being protective of me even though we haven't been friends for long.
«Can you kill them?» I asked and tilted my head.

«We'll see» George replied with a laugh.


Author's note:
I hope you like the book so far :)

Thanks for reading :)

Anything for you George Weasley X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ