Chapter 81: Christmas at the Burrow

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A/n: Hello :) I'm sorry for not posting before now, but I was so sick last week that my hands were shaking. It was impossible to write anything xD But now I'm fine again :)

This chapter will not follow the books or the movies compleatly since I'm too lazy to find the scenes and I can't find the book.

TW: ‼️SMUT‼️🍻 It's also very awkward and bad, but I haven't been writing for so long so I just published it unedited.

I'll put up a warning where it happens :)

I woke up the next day in George's arms, wrapped around me protectivly. I smiled to myself before softly starting to blow him in the face. «I'm trying to sleep...» He groaned.

«We gotta go to the Burrow now. Your mother is waiting for us» I said and tried to slip out of his grip. He held me as tight that it was impossible.

«Five more minutes» He muttered.


«Fine!» He shrugged and let go of me. He lifted up his clothes and gave me an angry and sleepy glare before disapparating.


We apparated to the Burrow and saw Harry, Hermione and Ron. School was over now and it was christmas now. «Y/n!» Hermione came running towards me and gave me a good hug. I hugged her back.

We pulled away and I gave Harry a hug aswell. Harry looked better, just like me. Ron hesitated, but went in for a hug after a couple of seconds of just staring at me. «We've missed you this year aswell» Hermione smiled.

«I've missed you and Hogwarts too» I smiled back.

«If you were at Hogwarts, I couldn't hug you whenever I want to» George quickly said before apperating us up to his bedroom.

He quickly started to look in his drawers, looking for something. «What are you doing?» I asked him.

«I lost Ginny's present» He said and searched under his bed.

«Give it for her birthday then if you can't find it. You can join in on my present» I chuckled as he stood up infront of me.

«Great» He pressed a lot of quick kisses to my lips before he pushed me onto the bed.

«No» I pointed my finger at him.

«Please» He folded his arms and made puppy eyes.

I raised an eyebrow at him before pulling him down to meet my lips again. He was eager and so was I.

(A/n: I'm so sorry. I'm so awkward and don't even know what the fuck I'm writing 💀 and it's probably the worst I've ever written. I do my best work with Y/n on top. Anyways, enjoy the weird smut and stuff)

Third-person POV:

His left hand followed her body down to under her thigh. He licked over her bottom lip, trying to get his tongue in.

«I want it hot and weird» Y/n said and smirked up at him. He licked his bottom lip with the same mischiveous smile before disapparating.

He returned a minute later with a bucket full of water. Y/n's smile dropped as he was about to throw it on her.

«No!» She tried to move, but he muttered the rope spell and her hands got tied to the bed. She let out a little scream as he threw the water at her. She was laying there soaked in her clothes while George went to the drawer and pulled out a cissor. «I feel like a wet cat» She groaned.

Anything for you George Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now