Chapter 94: Waiting

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Weeks went by and we didn't hear anything from Harry, Ron and Hermione. Dad said it was best that way, it was unsafe for Harry to give a clue about his wereabouts. 'Ron' was staying at the attic, being sick to make Voldemort and his Death Eaters think the our family didn't have anything to do with Harry right now. Really it was the Ghoul in disguise as Ron. Kept the Death Eaters away.

«It kicked!» Mum shouted as she touched Y/n's belly. «It's growing!» She smiled.

«She is» Y/n replied with a mixture of insecurity and pride. Y/n eventually started to show some pride of becoming a mother. «It's still weird though...»

At least a little bit...

«You're gonna be the best mother ever» I hugged her from behind and kissed her on the cheek. Mum looked up at me and furrowed her eyebrows. «Except you mum! You're the best of course! No doubts...»

«Mhm...» She muttered. «I'll go and make you some tea, Y/n» She smiled at Y/n and headed into the kitchen.

«I love our baby and everything, but it would be nice shag you. Like right now» I whispered to Y/n.

«Beautiful words George..» She rolled her eyes. «And who said we couldn't?»

«I thought-» I looked at her confused face expression. «Mum! Y/n don't want tea!» I called and pulled her up the stairs with me.

Molly's POV:

Not the stairs... Not in my house...

George's POV:

I gently lied Y/n down on the bed, scared to hurt either one of them. «It's kinda weird now since it's another person inside of you» I chuckled.

«Doesn't matter. Just do it» She lied on her back.

«No kissing?»

«Too tired. I'm living for two people.. I'll do something, but you gotta do the hard work..» She closed her eyes.

So romantic Y/n...

«How do we do it then..?» I asked her. «Without crushing her?»

«That, I do not know...» She huffed. «Sideways..?»

«Standing up?»

«I don't think that is gonna work very well» She gave me a chrocked smile.

«I can't wait to that thing pops out of you» I shrugged.

«Me neither» She chuckled.

«Cause daddy can't 'do' your mommy right now» I leaned down and kissed the belly.

«Don't tell her that» Y/n slapped my forehead.

«Well, she was gonna watch it. Kind of» I shrugged. «We can ask mum.... how she did it...?»

«Hell no! That... what the fuck!?» Y/n sat up. «That would be sick»

«I just want you so baaaaaad» I groaned. «I'm desperate»

«I can see that..» She looked down at my pants. «That too» I covered it up with a blanket.

«The belly is really small. Just... get ontop of me..» She sighed and pulled me down on her. I kissed her jaw and down her neck. Sucking on her skin, making purple marks. She let out small moans in pleasure. We're just teenagers and needs this action. We hadn't done anything in three months and got a bit desperate very fast. She pulled of my sweather, but didn't wanna let me take of hers.

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