Chapter 24: The truth

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A/n: Hello again :)

I don't know if this is very good, I'm not super happy about it, but I'll just post it.

We walked into the tunnel and came back up with the Whomping Willow. Remus took care of Pettigrew for a while, while Sirius talked to Harry.

I stood a bit back with Hermione and Ron and talked to them.
«Why do you keep staring at them so badly?» Ron asked looking at me.

«I- I just need to talk with Sirius...» I replied, looking over at him and Harry that now hugged.

«About the visions?» Hermione asked.
«About the girl?»

«Yes» I answeard.

«Harry's coming over here now»
«Go talk to your father!» Hermione whisper shouted and pushed me toward Sirius.

«You know?» I asked confused.

«1+1 is 2 and 2+2 is 4»
«It was obvious» She answeard with a tiny reasuring smile that I would be fine.

«You're Sirius Blacks daughter? He has a child?!» Ron shouted confused.
Harry looked confused at Ron and Sirius turned around to see me. He was going to say something, but the full moon came.

He ran towards Remus. «Remus, my old friend! Did you remember to take your potion tonight!?» He asked Remus.

He forgot.

Remus turned into a werewolf and wanted to kill us, but Sirius turned into his animagus form and tried to protect us. Snape followed us back and tried his best to protect us from beeing eaten.


(A/n: This is not an exact movie/book scene since Harry and Hermione always was able to realise Sirius before the dementors came)

I snook up to the tower where Sirius were beeing held. I needed to talk to him.
I walked around the corner and saw Sirius. He heard me and looked up.

«No. No. No!» He yelled.«You can't be here Y/n, the Dementor's are coming»
«I don't want them to hurt you!»

«I don't care» I sighed and headed over to his cell.

«But I care...» He told me. «I won't let anyone hurt you»

«I can take care of myself. That's what I've been doing for 12 years» I didn't mean to hurt his feelings.

«I'm sorry. You didn't desserve to be on your own like that» He appologised and took my hands in his. «And you don't desserve the Demntor's kiss. Even if you think you do».

«You know about it?» I wondered and looked at him.

«I have been trying my best to look after you this year» He weakly smiled. I put my hands through the bars and hugged him. There came a tear of joy, and fear. Sirius was about to get killed. I pulled back when it I started to freeze.

«Dementor's...» I looked up in fear.

«You have to go» He tried to push me away.

I thought about leaving for a second, but I had finally gotten my father back and I was not going to let him go that easily.
I put my wand up infront of me and shouted a spell. «Expecto Patronum!!!» I yelled.

The sky lit up with a big blue light and a beautiful Y/P trying to protect me.
I made it chase away dementor after dementor, but every time I sent someone away, there was always another one ready to take over the job.

Anything for you George Weasley X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن