Chapter 45: No regret

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Author's note: The first 10 chapters of this story is so weird that I will just go and fix things. Nothing big will change except that Y/n will be a little more like she is this far.

Ans I know all the Weasleys stayed for christmas at Hogwarts, and that the train doesn't go december 26th, but there is a good reason to why it does here.

One word for this chapter: Draaaaaama


It was december 26th today and George and Fred was supposed to bring me to the Burrow.
«Y/n? Are you in there?» I heard George ask.

«Y/n. You have to talk to him. Who cares if he loves you» Zoe said.

«And the fact that he loves you is good, not bad» Clary added.

«I don't wanna talk to him right now... I need to think...» I muttered.

«At least you have to go tell him that you are staying here» Regina said trying to get me to move out of bed.

«Fine..» I muttered and walked to the door.
I opned the door and stepped out to George.

«Are you alright, love?» He asked concearned.

«Yeah...but I'm not going home to your family»

«What? Why?» He asked looking me into the eyes. He looked very worried.

I took a deep breath and turned away from him. «I-... I...think we need some space...» I said ready to open the door and walk in, but he took my hand and made me face him again.

«Is this because I told you I love you?» He asked nervously. «Because it's alright if you don't feel the same yet or at all. I just wanna be with you..» He said with a hopeful smile.

«We just need some space» I tried to say again.

He looked down at me with a hurt and angry look. «Space is a word for someone who's afraid of getting too close, Y/n. It's also a word for.. break up...»

«You're right... I'm afraid of getting to close»
I looked up to him with a mad look on my face.

«Is your intention with this to try and make me break up with you?» He asked angrily.

«Maybe it is» I answered with in the same angry tone.

«Well, I'm not breaking up with you!» He argued. «And I can't afford that I love you»

«If you're not breaking up with me...» I started and he got a more worried than angry look on his face. «Then I guess.... I have to break up with you...» I said opening the door and stepping inside, leaving George alone on the other side of the door. I felt the necklace from him around my neck and looked down at it. I pulled it off and opned the door to toss it to him. He didn't have time to say anything before I closed the door again.

I sat down on the bed with a mix of an angry and a sad look in my eyes.

«How did it go? Did you end it...?» Regina asked hoping for a 'no'.

«Yes I did» I said and got up again and started to pack my bags.

«Where are you going?» Zoe asked concearned.

«I don't know... I can walk back to London..»

«Y/n...London is in another country...» Clary said.

«I just... I don't wanna be here» I sighed and opned the door to see that George was gone. I walked down in the common room and left through the portrait.

Anything for you George Weasley X ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora