Chapter 27: Quidditch World Cup

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A/n: Enjoy this awkward thing

                               Dear Y/n
How are you doing? I hope your feeling well. I am sorry that I didn't ask you to come with me. It's just that so much happened in the end of the year and I didn't even consider that you might have wanted to come with me.

I know it's a little to late now, but I got an extra ticket to the Quidditch World Cup if you want to come with me. It's the 16th of August.

                           - «Uncle» Remus

I got a huge smile on my face when I read that letter. Of course I wanted to go with him to the cup. And I even get to call him Uncle? I wrote him back and told him that I would be there.

It was the 10th August today. So in 1 week I would get to see a familiar face again. It was lonley in the building now. Harry or Harold had moved out last week to start over and I had to stay here.
George hadn't sent me a single letter the whole summer. But I excused him, he doesn't know where I live. I didn't really send anything to him either. I was worried it could have been weird...

••••••••••••••••••••15th August•••••••••••••••••••

I hurried around the apartment, putting every belonging of mine in my suitcase. I had charmed it to have eternal space.

It knocked on my door and I ran to see who it was. It was Remus. «Hello Y/n» He greeted me with a smile.

«Hey» I answeard back and hugged him. «Thank you for bringing me to the cup» I ran in and picked up my suitcase. I got my summer coat and ran towards the door.
We stepped outside and I muttered a locking spell. «I lost my keys..» I muttered.

«I have lost my keys to» He chuckled. We were going to travel with a portkey. He had brought a portkey, but it was downstairs.

We walked down the stairs to first floor. I looked forward and saw the chair. «Why did you make a portkey out of a chair?» I wondered.

«I didn't make it» He let out a little laugh.
We headed over and he told me to hold on to it.

We started spinning around very fast. I looked around me. Everything was spinning so I couldn't exactly see much. «Let go!» Remus shouted and I did as he said. I was thrown to the ground while Remus flew elegantly down to the ground. «Ouch....» I groaned with my face in the dirt.

«Oh no» He almost gasped and helped me up. «I'm sorry about that»

«Its alright...» I shrugged and brushed dirt of my clothes.

We had landed on a hill not that far from the muggle campsite we were staying at. We started walking and arrived at the campsite 10 minutes later.

The camp was filled with muggles and Wizards or witches. Muggleborns, halfbloods and purebloods. I saw Oliver Wood from Gryffindor's Quidditch team. He had graduated last year so this year Gryffindor would have a new captain. I think Angelina was picked last year.

«We'll have to set up the tent without magic» Remus sighed and put the tent down on the ground.
We used half an hour to put it up. It wasn't big at all, it looked like a one person tent.
«C'mon» He waved me with him and headed inside.
I followed after him to find a big livingroom, a kitchen, two bathrooms, one on each side and four bedrooms.

«Wow» I looked around me. «How?»

«A charm. But I bought it like this» He answeard with a smile while he sat his suitcase down next to the sofa. «Choose whatever room you want» He told me and stepped into the kitchen to make dinner.

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