Chapter 61: Harry Potter

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Author's note: I hardly remember anything from the fifth book so I'll just write something.

We all sat down and I poured some applejuice into my glass. I yawned as I lifted the glass up to my mouth. I took a sip of it and as I were about to swallow, George winked at me from across the table, while Sirius were looking our way. I choked on the juice.
I started coughing and Ginny and Hermione started to hit me in my back trying to make it come back up. «Thank you» I muttered after I stopped coughing. George laughed a little to himself by my reaction.

I knew you were bold, but not that bold... Sirius is gonna make you bald...

«I'll kill him...» I heard Sirius whisper to Remus.

«No. No. No. It was only a little joke» Remus said trying to keep George alive. Sirius were not having it.

«She's just a little girl» Sirius said in an angry tone.

«She's 16 Sirius. She's not a kid anymore» Remus said, trying to calm Sirius down.

I smiled over to Remus and he smiled back. George made his way over to me and so did Fred. «No one knows about us. Fred didn't tell anyone» George whispered while sitting down next to me.

«Good. Maybe you will live to see one more day then» I said not looking up at him. «And don't try to flirt with me in front of Sirius..» I leaned closer and whispered to him. «He wants to kill you now» Sirius looked over at us and were not having any of it.

«Okey. Okey. George, move it. I'm sitting here» He said and pushed George of the chair.

«Sirius!» All the grown ups shouted at him as he sat down. Fred helped George up from the floor and they walked over to sit next to their mother. «You can't push George of the chair!» Mrs Weasley shouted at him. «Behave» She huffed and patted George on the head.

We had just heard about Harry and that he was expelled from Hogwarts. «You can't go with them Y/n» Sirius said while I followed behind him.


«Beacuse legally, you're dead. And dead people don't walk the streets» He said turning around to face me.

«Then fix it! Make me undead again»

«But your not undead. You're still kind of dead» He shrugged. «And the Ministry... They say it's impossible to raise the dead»

«I have to stay dead? Forever?» I asked nervously. I had never thought about this before. People don't come back when they die. So how did I? If Sophie sent me back, how did she do it?

«I don't know, kid» He answered, giving me a sympathetic smile. «I will think about it. Try to come up with an idea. A forensic pathologist examined your body and declared you dead»

«Why would you ever let them do that?»

«I thought you were going to stay dead. And it wasn't my call. Dumbledore wanted to know stuff about the curse. That's why you have a new cut on your stomac. He wanted to make sure you were dead, something you obviously weren't» He explained putting his hands on my shoulders.

«Stupid Dumbledore...» I muttered and placed my hand on my stomach to feel the new scar I hadn't noticed before.

«Don't say that. He leads this whole organisation» He said and covered my mouth with his hand.

«I wosht shay isht» I muttered into his hand.

«What?» He asked and removed his hand.

«I won't sat it...» I muttered. I walked up the stairs and threw myself down at my bed.

Anything for you George Weasley X ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon