Chapter 18: Friendly game

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A/n: Hello again :)

Regina, Zoe and Clary walked inside our room to find me sitting in Regina's bed.
«Why are you sitting in my bed?» Regina asked confused.

«George is sitting on mine» I answered and nodded in his direction.

They turned to see George sitting on my bed. They looked in between us before smiling at me and giving thumbs up without George seeing it.
«You're all bloody gits!» I said loudly.

«We will leave you alone» They said and smirked.

«No. Stay» I said. «George was about to leave»

«I was?» He asked confused. I nodded. «Yes I was» He said and got up.

«I'll see you tomorrow Y/n» He said before he muttered Levioosa and walked out the door.

My three friends started screaming off happieness. «Awww» They all said in unison.

«Don't 'awww' me» I said getting up.

«What are you doing tomorrow?» Clary asked smirking while walking over to her bed.

«Quidditch friendly» I answered laying down in my bed.


«Stop it. I don't like him anymore. We are just friends now» I answered smiling.

«Really?» Regina raised an eyebrow at me and looked sad.

«Yes. That's what's best anyway»

We fell asleep a few hours after talking about classes. I told them about the Patronus lesson, but I left out the part where my memories wasn't happy enough.

••••••••••••The next day (thursday)••••••••••••

I woke up and got ready for the school day. I showered and put on some makeup. I walked out of the bathroom, put on my robes and went down to eat breakfast with the girls.

«The twins's birthday is tomorrow right?» Clary asked while we walked down the stairs.


«What did you buy them?» Regina asked curiosusly.

«Ehm... I haven't gotten them anything actually» I answeard honestly. «They are hard to shop for»

«You have to get them something» Zoe said.

«I know... I just don't know what they want» I sighed.

The day went on and classes came to an end. Flying class went really well. Madam Hooch let us play Quidditch the last 20 minutes without a seeker just in case no-one caught the snitch.

I changed into something comfortable and sat down on my bed. I starred into the wall thinking about what to get the twins for tomorrow. After 2 hours of thinking I suddenly remembered the friendly match.

I looked at the time. «Damn it....» The match had started 5 minutes ago. I got up from the bed and put on a warm jacket and some winter shoes. I didn't have time to change into something proper looking clothes. Who knew how fast Harry would catch the snitch. And yes, Harry would catch the snitch.

I ran down the hallways and out of the castle as fast as I could towards the Quidditch pitch. It was now 20 minutes since the match had started.

I made it to the pitch and rushed up to sit in the stands. There was a lot of people here despite it just being a friendly game.

Anything for you George Weasley X ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon