Chapter 91: The news about Snape

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George's POV:

I had gotten used to the idea of becoming a father. Mom and dad had said that they would help out as much as we needed. We appreciated that. Fred had promised to help aswell.

Y/n and I lied on the couch, cuddling. She had been trying to read the Daily Phropet, but I had cut her off and told her we needed some us time since soon we wouldn't get any privacy.
«Y/n Weasley sounds good, doesn't it?» I asked her.

«It does, but how are you gonna explain why you are changing the name of a dead girl» She chuckled.

«I'll take care of it» I smiled and moved her away. I waved her goodbye and apparated away.

Y/N's POV:

George apparated away and I had no idea where you go to change the name of a dead person.

I stood up and walked around the flat, just looking. I stepped over to the window and opened it to look out and get some fresh air.

Suddenly, Hedwig came flying in and landed on my floor. «What did Harry do now?» I asked Hedwig. She made a little noise and shook her feathers.

I lifted up the note and started reading. «Oh no...Fred!» I yelled for him.

He came running into the livingroom, first thinking it was something wrong with me. «No I'm fine, but Dumbledore isn't... He's dead»

«He's dead?» Fred asked shocked and ripped the letter out of my hands to read it for himself.
«Snape killed him!? That fucking traitor!»

«He even came to my bloody wedding! I gave him free food...» I yelled. «How could he?» I asked myself.

«He knows you're alive Y/n and he knows who you care about and where you live...» He said and held his hands on my shoulder. «If they want you, it's easier now»

«He can't touch us. I'll make sure of it..» I answered and gave him a reassuring smile.

Suddenly George stood behind Fred. «What's wrong?»

«Snape killed Dumbledore» Fred answered and turned to face George.

A little tear rolled down my cheek. I didn't know Dumbledore very well, but I always thought he was a good man. He had picked me up from the orphanage and brought me to Hogwarts and he helped me out of multiple detentions with Snape so I felt I owed him tears. «It's gonna be alright Y/n» George came over to me and gave me a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest.

«I know. It's the hormons, bloody shit» I chuckled the last part. A lie, but I don't like to cry infront of people...

«Right» He pulled away and chuckled aswell.

«By the way, Snape is a Death Eater if you didn't get that» I informed him.

«I got it» He nodded. «We're gonna make sure we're alright»

«Yeah, I refuse to let Snape snitch to the Death Eaters be the reason I die. If Snape is killing me, he has to take me to his potion classroom and start teaching. I always wanted to run into that bloody wall...» I mimicked his cold voice.

«Very funny, but he's a murderer now so» Fred added from now behind George.

«Yes, yes..» I tried to be serious again. «I just never thought Snape had the balls to do something like that»

«Me neither» They said in unison.


A/n: Sorry for a short chapter, but It's just a filler so the war can begin :)

Anything for you George Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now