I was so scared that something was going to happen to them that I kept my eyes on their monitor. As long as they were okay, I would be okay.

Sam and Kat came back a little while later with food for Colby and Ki. I was now about 6 centimeters dilated which meant I was more than halfway there.

I was in so much pain I could barely even talk, which I knew was breaking Colby's heart.

He was trying so hard to stay strong for me but I could see in his eyes how scared and upset he was.

"Get me the epidural." I mumbled after a huge contraction. "What did you say?" Colby asked as he looked up at me.

"Get me the god damn epidural." I groaned through my teeth as an intense contraction hit. "Okay, I'll go tell her." Colby said then kissed my head. "NOW! RUN!" I screamed as the pain enveloped me for what felt like the millionth time today.

"Shit! I'll go." Sam said then ran out of the room. "Fuck, it hurts so fucking bad." I sobbed out as Colby leaned down and collected me in his arms, trying to comfort me. "You're doing so good, breathe with me." He cooed as he scratched my back gently.

Amy and Sam came into the room a couple seconds later. "Okay, I'm gonna have you all step out so I can give the epidural." Amy said as Colby kissed my head. "I'll be right back, baby girl." He said then stood up as everyone filed out of the room.

"Seven centimeters, that's pretty impressive." Amy said as she checked my dilation. "I'm weak." I mumbled as she shook her head.

"You're amazing. Child birth is hard, so the fact that you made it this far without pain killers is amazing. Be proud of yourself." Amy said quietly as she sat me up so I could sit at the edge of the bed.

"I'm terrified." I said quietly, picking at my gown. "I know it's scary, especially since you weren't as prepared as you wanted to be but you're ready for this." She said then set up the epidural. "How are you so sure?" I asked as a contraction came on.

"Ooooh! Fuck!" I groaned as she took my hand, letting me squeeze it. "I see the way you looked at those ultrasounds. I see how concerned you are about these girls. You're an amazing mom already." She said as soon as I collapsed against her.

"I'm so worried about them." I said and looked over at their monitor as Amy cleaned the area to give me the epidural.

She was quiet for a second so she could focus. I felt a a burning sensation in my back but it was nothing compared to the pain that was radiating in my lower body.

"Okay, the epidural is done, you should feel relief soon. Let's look at those girl's vitals." She said then helped me lay back. "Okay...baby number two...Luna...Her heart rate is getting a little low which is concerning me a bit." She said as my heart raced.

"Baby number one...Nova..is still doing okay. If we don't start seeing more progress soon I'm gonna have to do a c section." Amy explained as I chewed my lip. "You're advancing nicely though, so we might try to start pushing soon. Maybe at 9 centimeters." She explained then cleaned up the epidural stuff.

"Just try to relax, I know it's hard but stressing is going to do more harm than good." She reminded then smiled. "I'll send everyone back in." She said then left the room.

As she did this I looked at the babies monitor, studying the lines that were on the screen. I said a little prayer to myself for Luna, hoping her heart rate would go up again.

"Everything okay?" Colby asked as he walked into the room. "Luna's heart rate is down. If I don't start pushing soon I'll have to get a c section." I said as he frowned.

"They are gonna have me start pushing at 9 centimeters." I explained as he nodded.

"You're gonna get through this, V. You have no idea how proud of you I am." He said then kissed my forehead.

"I love you." I said then leaned up and kissed him. "I love you, too." He said then smoothed my hair down.

Sam, Kat, and Ki ended up sitting in the lobby for a few hours, letting Colby and I have time to ourselves. I was in and out of sleep for a while since the epidural was working.

"This shit is magical." I said with a laugh as I rubbed my belly. "Yeah, you look much happier with the drugs." He said as I nodded. "I love drugs." I said as the door opened. "Hello?" Colby's mom asked as I smiled.

"Hey!" I said happily as Colby fed me some ice chips. "How are you feeling?" Colby's dad asked as I held up a thumbs up. "Almost there." I said and looked at the screen. "That's good! It's been what? 10 hours?" Colby's mom asked as I nodded.

"Yeah, I think she's gonna start pushing soon." Colby said as he went over to hug his parents. "That's exciting!" Colby's dad said with a smile. "Yeah, Luna is struggling a little bit though. Her vitals have been fluctuating." I explained as Colby's mom looked at the monitors.

"They look good right now, which is good." She said with a smile as Amy came in. "How are you feeling, mom?" She asked and smiled. "Good." I said and held up a thumbs up. "Good! Let me see what's going on." She said as Colby's parents stepped out of the room.

"Hmm...You're about nine centimeters...and it looks like Nova's vitals are starting to fluctuate too.." She said as I looked up at Colby.

"What does that mean?" Colby asked as Amy sighed. "I think it's time to start pushing." Amy said as my heart stopped.

I wasn't ready.

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