☆특별한: 옥상☆

Start from the beginning

"Oh my crybaby." He whispered. "Don't cry. Look at yourself in the mirror when you cry." He added.

"Are you calling me ugly?!" I cried and he just laughed.

"Kookie baby, you have no reason to feel guilty."


"Look around you first, my cute baby." Jimin said and I peeked up from his chest with a pout, surprised when I saw our babies and all our friends standing there with wide smiles.

"W-what ar--"

"We (Jimin, Jungkook and babies) just finished eating and you abruptly left to the rooftop, your personal space. And when I called you to come down, you forgot about it and came down. I confirmed that you were upset and our loving friends wanted to visit too." He explained and I blush from embarrassment.

How did I forgot about that?!

"Jungkook, you have no reason to feel guilty. Do you want to know how our friends feel?"


"They are all so happy. Jackson, Jin, Taehyung, Hoseok, Youngjae (Hoseok's lover ;) , Hwa-sa, Jieun, Yoongi.....they are all happy that they are famous now." He said and I turned to them in shock. Our friends smiled and nodded. "Fame is kinda fun, Jungkook-ah. They are proud to say that they are best friends with Jeon Jungkook and Min Yoongi! It is fun for them, to run away from paparazzi while laughing and making fun or showing off their dresses instead of answering questions related to you. Or they joke around about you. They are happy, Jungkook." Jimin explained.

"Yes, Jungkookie!! We showed off our new gucci matching shirts to the media!" Taehyung and Jin laughed.

"And I had made the place my fashion show, walking around with Youngjae and judo jumpy!" Hoseok cheered with Youngjae, judo jumpy barking and running inside the room when he heard his name.

"I get to advertise my business," Hwa-sa snickered. "After that, more clients are coming." Jackson laughed with her, pecking her cheeks.

"We are not being disturbed, Jungkook. Please don't feel guilty. We are just having fun and playing around with the media, giving them a taste of their own medicine. We don't allow them to run over us and play back making them back down. We are all happy." Jieun explained, smiling.

Jimin smiled. "Now. You were crying about our babies? But look at those brats! They are having so much fun in their new school, which is bigger than their old one. Mingguk has been learning piano with Yoongi and since his school has piano, he feels so happy that he could practice more. Mel and Minjung have joined the swimming club in their school, having fun with all it. Then there is Jungmin....he has been so happy about the cafeteria food! These brats are totally enjoying the time at their school! They do everything other than studying!" I heard our babies whine and I couldn't help but giggle.

So they aren't affected by it like I thought they were? I'm so glad.

"And about me," I looked at him and he smiled, bopping my nose. "I am really happy. I have the person I really love with me by my side. Waking up to you every day, sleeping next to you everyday, cooking for our family...I enjoy every single minute of it. I have you, our babies, our supportive friends who are like family. I have everything, why would I be sad? Just like our friends, I feel proud. Proud that my lovely husband is loved by millions! His words, his beautiful voice is being spread all around the country, is being heard by millions! It makes me so happy, Jungkook. I feel so proud of you, Kookie. There is no reason for you to feel guilty." Jimin explained and I smile, slowly closing the gap between us and pulling him for a kiss.

He smiled back. "I love you so much, Jungkookie." He whispered.

"I love you more, hubby."

"Alright kids. Time for us to leave!!" Hoseok ushered and I laughed.

Sweet And Special |Jikook|🎀Where stories live. Discover now