Well since we are friends maybe she will help me do something I have been trying to do for the last few days! "General Iona...I have a favor to ask of you." I hope that she agrees!

"What is it, Princess?"

"Can you please help me get to a fae woman called Winona? She lives around here and um she is married to a dragon man...and she is very sweet and kind. She is a bit older but still very beautiful with silver hair!"

She gave me a suspicious look, her eyes concentrating on my every movement. Before it disappeared. "Does Prince Loche know you are visiting her?"

No, ach! I am so tired of lying. It is very strenuous work.. "Loche...Loche is very busy and I do not want to bother him. I mentioned it earlier to him when we woke up together and he kissed me and said that he would let me do whatever I want because he..loves me!" That was a lie. Loche has not told me he loves me at all but he did explain how love was supposed to be. Heart swelling...

The General sighed, a hand going to her head. "I know the fae woman. She is the only other fae here...if I bring you, will you mention to your husband to null my marriage proposal? I wish to not marry a man, I am content being General and that is that..."

So the General did not want a husband? I wondered why? She was very pretty and I am sure if she has even tried on a dress she would look amazing! She would make an excellent wife. Even though I am not sure all that wives do...Maybe she just does not feel like she wants to get married or is nervous to. "Yes I promise I will! Thank you so much, General Iona!" I squealed as I grabbed her in a hug.

"No, no...no hugging. I am not a fae, I do not enjoy hugging."


"Hi Winona's husband!"

General Iona and I rode on horseback with two extra men accompanying us. Of course I had to put on a silk scarf so that no one noticed me. Although I am sure not too many of the villagers know what I look like! They would if Loche would let me visit the villages but he has not kept his promise!

Winona's husband was in front of their home. He was washed down in sweat, with a sack of items in his hand. He glanced at us before sighing. He looked incredibly irritated and tired. "Sir do you know where a woman named Winona is?"

He glanced at us before disappearing into his house. I glanced at General Iona who seemed furious that the man did not acknowledge us. "I will teach him respect," she said through gritted teeth. I watched her grab the hilt of her sword and begin to march towards their home.

Before I had a chance to stop her, the door slightly opened. A smile found its way onto my lips as Winona stepped out, closing the door behind her, her eyes scanning over the both of us. She looked very much tired and her dress had dirt caked all over the bottom of it.

"How may I help you, General?" She did not recognize me! Probably because I had the scarf covering half of my face. I unraveled it a bit so that she could see me eyes and a smile broke out on her face. "Oh prince-"

"-Call her by another name," General Iona warned as she scanned the area. I suppose she did not want anyone to know I was here. Tis a pity I would like to meet some people...


Lisa? I realized that she was just calling me by another name and giggled as I made my way over to her. She embraced me in a tight hug, "I apologize!" Was the first thing that left her lips when she parted from me. "We have fell on hard times and I had to pick up work in the fields. Tis been a tiring last few days and I was not able to come and visit like I usually do," she explained to me as I shook my head in disagreement. How could I be upset with Winona? She was so sweet. Never!

Queen of the DragonsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ