welcome to hawaii

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*5 years later! Brittany and Santana are living in hawaii and are neighbours to Rachel and Quinn. Brittany's mum meredith, still has a super busy work schedual so all they can do is facetime and call each other to catch up whenever they both get a minute. its hard for them both, but they make it work! santana's mum valerie, is now retired! because even though she has gotten better, she can't seem to fully recover from her injuries caused by her ex husband Rick. She's not bothered at all because she is just happy to have met someone else who treats her with so much love and respect, that constantly makes her feel like the only girl in the world. as for Rachel's mum hayley! she is still single and telling Rachel that shes ok like that. but Rachel can just sense that her mum isnt telling the truth entirely. she tries not to worry to much about it and tries to tell herself that her mum will find someone one day. but being the worrier she is, Quinn is always there to speak words of positivity and reasurance to make sure Rachel doesnt get to worked up about it. Rachel's dad has re-married someone that he met at work. and because of the woman's Previous relationship, Rachel now has 2 siblings. they are twin teenagers called ruby and ross. and lastly, Quinn's parents are still all loved up as much as they were when they first met. while her brother toby is off traveling the world with a bunch of his closest mates that he has known since he was a toddler.*

Rachel: *was sat on the couch with Quinn sat on the opposite side. they were both on their phones and just enjoying the peacefulness. only ever feeling the need to talk when they have something to show each other or ask a question* ugh... teenagers! *continues to look at her phone screen because she is in the middle of chatting with her half-sister ruby. who wont stop going on and on about these boys that she goes to school with and always ends up getting into fights with*

quinn *looks up at Rachel and just knows who and what she is reffereing to. it makes her giggle slightly because she rememebers her teen years and how she was always hearing drama from someone. and as much as she hoped that her and Rachel could get away from it all, once they grew up and moved away from their childhood home. she just knew that is was only a matter of time before drama gravitated its way towards them again* what's Ruby done this time? *looks over to Rach as she looks up at Quinn*

Rachel: getting herself involved with idiot boys *rolls her eyes as she turns her phone off and places it on the couch just next to where shes sitting*

Quinn: either you are super gay and thats why you cant stand boys, or the male spiecies is just completely intolerable for all women to cope with! *laughs as does Rachel*

Rachel: you really love making gay jokes, dont you? *laughs as she gets up and goes over to sit on the edge on the couch as Quinn lays on her side*

Quinn: of course! one of the many things i love about being out and proud! *smiles up as Rachel looks into Quinn's eyes and smiles back*

Rachel: what else is there?

Quinn: what do you mean?

Rachel: what are the other things you love about being out and proud *looks down at Quinn*

Quinn: well, one of them is that I can do this...*cups her hands on the sides of Rachel's cheeks to pull her down a little so they can connect their lips for a passionate kiss. after a few minutes, they pull away and stare lovingly into each others eyes and smile like crazy* whenever i want!

Rachel: there you go making the butterflies in my stomach go wild for the millionth time *laughs as she blushes*

Quinn: *laughs at Rachel for never being shy to just say it how it is* your welcome! *smiles up as Rachel smiles at Quinn*

Rachel: i love you so much! *smiles at Quinn*

Quinn: right back at ya, baby! *smiles at Rachel*

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