49 ➪ Ranboo Smiled.

Start from the beginning

"Wilbur." Karl looked genuinely angry. Scary.

"What." Wilbur kept going, I really just wanted to see Ranboo.

"Apologize, I don't get why it's so hard!" Karl threw his arms.

"Because I have no reason to apologize to this loser." Wilbur shoved me a little, very lightly. Lightly for him, I myself was very weak and small so I tripped backwards.

"TOMMY!!?" Karl ran to my aid, my head just hit the dresser. It didn't hurt that bad.

"I'm alright." I groaned, I looked up at Wilbur. When did he become so cold?

"Wilbur. I swear to fucking god you better apologize right now." Karl stood up and turned around towards Wilbur.

"You're not my dad." Wilbur laughed.

"WILBUR. I fucking saved you from your dad, I have custody over you right now. You live in MY house." He seethed.

Wilbur looked to the side, "Sorry, Tommy." He mumbled.

"Come on, Tommy." Karl grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room. Wilbur gave me a death glare before I walked out. He hates me.

Karl and I got in the car, he always looked shaky whenever he'd drive.. I had no clue as to why though. "God.. Your brother is stressing me out." He drove.

"Sorry.. I don't know why he's gotten so mean."

"You don't need to apologize for him, Tommy. That's his own fault. Maybe I let Phil get to him too much.." Karl sighed.

"It isn't your fault either. I wish dad was better." I lamented.

"Don't call him your dad."

"I-.. Alright.." I looked out the window.

"You know, I got you guys enrolled in school again!" Karl smiled.

"Really?!" I jerked my head towards him, he nodded.

That gave me a little hope, I missed having school. Even though I sucked at it.. Plus I was online.

"Am I going in person?"

"Yeah? Did you not before?" He looked clueless.

"Yeah Phil made me do homeschooling." I grumbled.

"Well I hope you like in person, It can be stressful sometimes." Karl giggled awkwardly.

"What's it like?"

Karl went quiet for a little bit, his face was tense and his hands got shaky. He suddenly sighed, "I'd rather not get into it."

"Oh.. Ok!" I decided to be optimistic about it and not ask. I didn't want him feeling uncomfortable.

The car was quiet for a minute or two.

"We're here!" Karl stopped the car.

We got out, seeing Ranboo standing infront of his apartment. I ran up to him and waved Karl goodbye. He drove off. I turned fo Ranboo, "HI!!!" I grinned.

He beamed with happiness, "Hello!!!" He seemed surprised by how happy I was.

"Let's go in, It's hot out here!" He sweat.

We went inside and I sat on his couch, he sat on the floor. "Soooo how have you been?" He leaned against the couch across from me.

"Pretty shit not gonna lie.. I've had to deal with a lot." He made me feel calm talking about it.

"Can I ask why?"

"Uh- m.." I thought for a second..

"Sure, Well I've had struggles with mental health.. And well uh. Death." I huffed.

Ranboo looked like he had seen a ghost, "Oh god Tommy I'm so sorry.." He lamented.

He walked over to me and gave me a hug, I could tell it was genuine. It felt warm and comforting, not awkward this time. I thank Ranboo for a lot.

"It's ok. I thank you a lot for being here for me." I said as he pulled out of the hug.

"Are you feeling any better? How long ago was this??"

"I-it was.. the day before yesterday." I winced.

"That's awful.. You can stay here for as long as you need." Ranboo suggested.

I felt comforted and understood. That's what I needed, someone who wasn't so aggressive. He was understanding. I'm glad to call him my friend.

"Thank you so much."

"Mhm! Always. I'll always be here for you." Ranboo stood up from the floor.

"Let's go do something fun." I said.

"How about we stream!" Ranboo smiled.

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