Chapter 46

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A week later;

Tessa was cleaning one of the toilets, scrubbing the floor while on her knees, when Mrs. Riva entered the room causing her to immediately stand up and gulp as she stood in front of her.

Mrs. Riva [sadly]: "Tessa, Mr. Hamilton is asking for you. He is waiting in his study room."

Tessa [firmly]: "Okay."

As Mrs. Riva stood aside, Tessa headed out of the bathroom and walked slowly towards the study room. The moment she walked through the door, she frowned as she saw Aria and Derek sitting down in front of the desk, where Aiden sat.

Derek [sadly]: "Babe-"

Aiden [coldly]: "Sit down, Tessa."

Tessa looked over at Aria, who had tears in her eyes, and sighed before taking seats in front of him.

Aria [coldly]: "Mr. Ham-Hamilton wants to add my name in the Financial Aid Program Elton High has set for less unfortunate students like myself. Since I start tomorrow, he wants you and dad to sign and fill out the form."

Tessa [mumbling]: "Sure."

Derek [coldly]: "It's been a tough week on all of us-"

Aiden [hissing]: "Sign the papers."

As Derek and Tessa both signed the required form, Aiden sat back in his seat and smirked, when the door slammed open and Chris and Valeria both walked in followed by Lizzy and Hailey, who went and stood behind Aiden.

Chris [firmly]: "Heard of what you're doing and I don't agree with it."

Aiden [chuckled and stood up]: "Well, I'm sorry, little brother, but I run the estate and the companies dad used to own now and as the head of the family, I decide whether or not employees get special treatment or not."

Chris [shook his head and grunted]: "You know very well what you're doing isn't fair. Tessa's got rights too-"

Tessa [firmly]: "I have no rights, sir. All previous special requests Mu-Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, may their soul rest in peace, had allowed me to have access to has been canceled the very next day-"

Aiden [sternly]: "You may go back to work Tessa, you too Derek. I want my cars washed."

Derek [clenched his fist and nodded]: "Yes, sir."

As the three of them headed out and the door closed behind them, Chris stood still in front of Aiden and about to punch him, but Aiden suddenly pushed back and restrained him against the wall fuming in anger.

Aiden [sternly]: "Never ever think of doing that again or I'll break your jaw!"

Chris [angrily]: "Tessa's our sister! MUM AND DAD ARE DEAD AND SHE'S IN AS MUCH PAIN AS WE ARE! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT?!"

Aiden [looked back at Hailey and scoffed]: "I've got work to attend to. You should go rest your room before lunch time."

Without saying a single word, Hailey stepped out of the room followed by Lizzy, who closed the door behind her, causing Valeria to stand close to Chris pissed.

Valeria [firmly]: "Now Hailey's gonna go tell her lovely family the truth! Is that what you wanted, Chris?! Do you have any idea what Jake might do?! The guy looks crazy!"

Chris [coldly]: "Fuck you both!"

Here he stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him fuming in anger leaving Valeria and Aiden alone in the room...

Hope you enjoyed!


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