Chapter 5

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That night;

Derek was getting ready to sleep, when sudden knocks at the door caught his attention and went and opened for no other than Tessa earning a worried look from her. The moment he allowed her in, she closed the door and sat down on the sofa by the bed causing him to go and sit in front of her.

Tessa [coldly]: "I overheard Mr. Christopher's wife talking on the phone and something's not right."

Derek [sadly]: "Hey, calm down-"

Tessa [coldly]: "Derek-"

Derek [while looking deep into her eyes]: "Justin met Valeria while working in the company as a minor accountant. The guy was adopted by a middle class family and seems he did well-"

Tessa [sternly]: "Will you stop worrying about how Justin got here and focus with me a bit!?"

Derek [sadly]: "Sorry."

Tessa [coldly]: "Christopher's wife is up to no good."

Derek [sadly]: "Justin saw you listening to her while talking on the phone and he isn't happy. Next time it happens, he'll tell his wife and-"

Tessa [coldly]: "Okay, okay, I get it; I will stop."

Derek [smiling slightly]: "Good."

Tessa [softly]: "The Annual Hamilton Party is this Friday, so, lucky for Mrs. Lizzy I won't be focusing on what she does behind Mr. Christopher's back."

Derek [frowning]: "This Friday? You mean on your biological birthday? About that, you met with the man?"

Tessa [sadly]: "Yeah, and I don't want to talk about it. Anyway, the party is held on Friday and every wealthy family in the country is invited. According to Mrs. Riva, the Cambridge Royal Family were invited last year."

Derek [chuckling]: "I can imagine."

Tessa [while heading to the door]: "Goodnight, Derek."

Derek [sighing]: "Let me walk you to your room, at least."

Tessa [shook her head and nodded]: "Sure, Fillerson."

Derek smiled at this and as they both headed into the East wing of the estate and reached the elevator, noises coming from the study room caught their attention. Without saying a single word, they peaked through the door and narrowed their eyes as they saw no other than Justin looking through files causing them to break in and close the door behind them...

A week later;

As all the staff members were preparing the ballroom, located at the last floor of the estate, for tonight's event, the Hamilton's and the Foley families were all getting ready in their quarters.

Valeria [softly]: "My sister would have turned twenty-nine today, you know?"

Justin, who was fixing his tux, kissed her lips before hugging her and sighed.

Justin [sadly]: "I know."

Valeria [while hugging him]: "Though I never met her, I miss her. I really do miss her."

Justin [kissed her lips and sighed]: "Let's go, love. People are waiting."

Here they headed out of their sectors and headed up to the ballroom, where all the family was...

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