Chapter 42

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That night;

In the guest sector, Jake, Hailey, Tessa, Derek, and Liam were all gathered in the living room talking and laughing, when Chris entered the room causing Tessa and Derek to immediately stand up earning a worried look from Jake, who immediately stood up.

Chris [smiling slightly]: "Glad you're all having fun. Tessa, can we talk?"

Tessa [softly]: "Of course. Um, I'll be right back, guys. Jake, continue the story."

Before Jake could say anything, Chris held Tessa's hand and they both headed out causing Derek to sit back and smile.

Liam [frowning]: "They seem close."

Derek [nodding]: "Yeah. Chris is a nice boss."

Jake [coldly]: "But the way he asked her to talk to him and at this time-"

Tiana [chuckling]: "Jake just turned his protective brother mode on."

Jake [coldly]: "I'm serious-"

Liam [sighing]: "Jake, relax. He probably just wanna ask her a question about work. Right, Derek?"

Derek [nodding]: "Yeah. True."

As Derek took another sip of his drink, in the garden, Tessa sat by the pool and smiled as Chris sat down beside her while placing his phone on the grass.

Tessa [sadly]: "If it's to talk to me about today-"

Chris [coldly]: "You need to stand up for yourself and not let Aiden and Valeria treat you like some employee-"

Tessa [sighing]: "I am their employee, yours too, actually."

Chris [firmly]: "You're our sister and they need to accept that just like I did. Mum and dad are worried about you, Tessa. Can't you see what's all this doing to them?"

Tessa [with tears in her eyes]: "I know, but I'm doing this for them. Aiden and Valeria, they hate me, and I don't wanna cause a fight between them and their parents."

Chris [coldly]: "What about Aria?"

Tessa [worriedly]: "Chris-"

Chris [firmly]: "Don't get mad, but I contacted the school today and added Aria's name on the list. She'll start on Monday with Xander, Audrey, and Tyler."

Tessa [jumping up and scoffed]: "YOU DID WHAT?!"

Chris [rolled his eyes and stood in front of her]: "I did what is best for my niece, Tessa. She deserves to attend a private school and-"

Tessa [sternly]: "I am a toilet lady here and I barely make enough to buy her clothes and the things she needs-"

Chris [firmly]: "Well this is going to change cause our parents and I will be taking care of all her expenses. Believe me, Tessa; we are trying to help you out but you need to help us too."

Tessa [crying]: "Aria doesn't need all this-"

Chris [sadly]: "Yes, she does."

Here he hugged her and kissed her hair as tears streamed down her face...

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