Chapter 32

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Chris [with his eyes fixed at Andres]: "Aiden and Hailey aren't anywhere in the house. I think he went to, um, you know, marry her."

Andres [hissing]: "Crap!"

Jessica [sadly]: "Chris, honey, since you're here; take your sister to the main study room and make sure she takes the money inside. Tessa, sweetheart, go with him."

Chris [frowning]: "What's going on?"

Andres [firmly]: "Just take your sister and call me once your brother gets home."

Chris [sighing]: "Sure."

Tessa [sadly]: "Thanks for helping me out-"

Jessica [while hugging her]: "Don't mention it."

As Chris headed out and waited outside the door, Tessa came out while wiping her tears off earning a slight smile from him.

Chris [sadly]: "Glad you've accepted them as your parents. Let's hope you'll soon stop treating the three of us as your bosses and finally be my older sister."

Tessa [hesitantly]: "I-"

Chris [rested his hand on her shoulder and smiled]: "All I want is to be is your annoying little brother. I might be 25 and a married man, but Val still calls me annoying and has no problem calling me out and teasing me in public."

Tessa [while tears streaming down her face]: "I don't want you being ashamed of me."

Chris [coldly]: "Ashamed of you?! Are you serious?! Tessa, why would I ever be ashamed of you?"

Tessa [laid against the wall and sighed]: "Cause I didn't get a proper education or have a normal childhood, while you three only got the best. I don't want my daughter getting affected of this. I am a toilet lady"

Chris [sternly]: "You are my sister. Whether you grew up in foster care or not we are supposed to accept you just the way you are and love you! Ever since I saw that video and a million questions has popped up in my head. Tessa, look, I get that you feel you don't belong here, but you do. Believe it or not, we all want to get closer to you and to your daughter. I-I just wanna be around my sister and do things I do with Val."

Tessa [crying]: "I'm scared. I'm scared you three would eventually push me away-"

Chris [while hugging her]: "We will never push you away. How about this; tonight, you, me, Val, and Aiden sit in the pool house and talk about everything. It'll be fun. Just the four of us."

Tessa [worriedly]: "Sir-"

Chris [coldly]: "It's settled. And for starters, please call me Chris. No need for formalities big sis."

Tessa [sighing]: "Si-Chris, I don't-"

Chris [smiling slightly]: "Let's go to the study area. Come on."

Before she could argue, Chris held her hand and dragged her to the main study room, where he opened the safe.

Tessa [hesitantly]: "Chris-"

Chris [firmly]: "How much do you need?"

Tessa [sadly]: "Five thousand dollars. I'll pay your parents back and they can pull money from my salary, though, I promise."

Chris [sternly]: "I honestly won't let you do that."

Here he pulled a pile of five thousand dollars and placed it on the desk earning a slight smile from her.

Tessa [softly]: "Thank you for helping me out. Um, one more thing; do you have a laptop I could use?"

Chris [shrugging]: "I'll give you my personal one but it's in my room."

Tessa nodded at this and they both headed up to his room. the moment Chris opened the doors and walked into his bedroom, his eyes and Tessa's widened in shock as he saw no other than Justin restraining a vulnerable Lizzy kissing her violently! Without saying a single word, Chris pulled him away from her and punched Justin multiple times on the face as a crying Lizzy hugged a panicked Tessa while crying her heart out...

Hope you enjoyed!


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