Chapter 13

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As he walked away, a shaken Tessa filled a bucket with water and soap and as she began washing the car, Aiden and Chris walked up to her followed by Valeria, who eyed the car pissed.

Aiden [coldly]: "We'll just replace the car. Justin will never know."

Valeria [while glaring at Aiden]: "Seriously! Justin is not stupid. He'll know!"

Tessa [sadly]: "Of course he will. Mrs. Foley, I am so sorry for what my daughter did. I'll have her apologize to him tonight in front of you all."

Valeria [scoffed and shook her head]: "Don't bother washing the car. The paint isn't washable."

Tessa [sobbing]: "I have to try. I can't afford buying him another one and knowing Justin, he'll use that as an excuse to sue my family! Jesus! He hates us all so much and now I know why."

As she kept on scrubbing the paint in hopes of washing it off, Chris and Aiden watched her with grief when Andres and Jessica walked up to them and narrowed their eyes at Tessa as she stopped and lowered her head before them.

Andres [sternly]: "The paint isn't coming off?"

Tessa [sadly]: "No, sir."

Jessica [with her eyes fixed at Valeria]: "Buy him another one before tomorrow-"

Valeria [coldly]: "He'll know it's not his car and-"

Jessica [sternly]: "I don't care! Just do it!"

Before Valeria could reply to this, Derek drove through the gate and pulled right in front of the gate house causing an angry Aria to step out of the car and slam the door behind her earning uncomfortable looks from all of them.

Tessa [sternly]: "Aria-"

Aria [coldly]: "Why are you cleaning his car, huh? Better burn it and throw it in the trash! Throw him in there too while you're on it!"

Tessa [angrily]: "Aria! That's not a way to talk about the boss! That's his family-"

Aria [furiously]: "I don't care!"

Derek [while walking up to them]: "Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, I am so sorry for what my daughter did-"

Aria [coldly]: "Well, I'm not! I'm not sorry!"

Derek [sternly]: "Quit the attitude! Mr. Foley might call the cops on you! Is that what you want? To spend the night in jail?"

Aria [with tears in her eyes]: "He punched you last night and harmed mum-"

Tessa [sadly]: "It's all going to be okay."

Aria [scoffing]: "No, it's not! Stop fucking lying to me! Nothing is okay!"

Derek [furiously]: "ARIA, THAT'S ENOUGH! TO YOUR ROOM, NOW!"

Aria [sternly]: "Fine, whatever!"

As she stormed into the house, Tessa rolled her eyes and glared at Derek as he grabbed a sponge from the bucket and sighed.

Derek [coldly]: "Don't give me that look; she crossed her limits."

Tessa [softly]: "You were just like her as a teenager. We both were. She was just angry."

Derek [sternly]: "Foley's going to call the cops on us, I know it. What she did was wrong."

Valeria [coldly]: "I agree."

Derek [while looking deep into her eyes]: "Well please convince your husband not to kill us all! Our daughter's got problems of her own to fix. She shouldn't be dealing with stuff involving us."

Tessa [sadly]: "Aria will be grounded and she will apologize to your husband, just please, don't let him go too far with this. Mrs. Foley, don't pay me this month-"

Aiden [coldly]: "You will get paid this month and about the car and Justin, don't worry; we'll fix it."

Tessa [firmly]: "I don't need you feeling sorry for me, Mr. Aiden. What we did was wrong and I know it. Last night should've never ended that way. What a way to celebrate what's supposed to be my birthday."

Here Chris walked away alongside his parents, who were angry, causing Aiden and Valeria to follow them pissed leaving a now crying Tessa and a sad Derek wash the car...

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