Chapter 18

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For all answer, Tyler hugged her earning warm smiles from everyone in the room, when the doorbell suddenly rang and Sandy went and opened for no other than a woman in her late fifties. As the woman entered the living room, Tessa, Derek, and Justin all froze in their places and narrowed their eyes as she shook hands with Lizzy.

Lizzy [softly]: "I'm Tyler's aunt and that is my husband Christopher and his family."

The woman smiled but her smile faded away as she came eye to eye with Tessa and Derek, who narrowed his eyes at her.

Jessica [firmly]: "Mrs.-"

Woman [while standing still in front of Tessa]: "I wouldn't forget that face. Tessa Heavens; a name I haven't heard of for years."

Aiden [sternly]: "You know her?"

Woman [softly]: "Of course I do. And I know Mr. Derek Fillerson and Mr. Justin Foley. Nice to see you're doing well, Tessa. I assume you work here, right?"

Tessa [coldly]: "Yes, I do, ma'am. I'm the toilet lady, here, and that beautiful girl behind you is my daughter, Aria."

Woman [looked back at Aria and sighed]: "You ended up giving birth I see. And with who did you stay during that time, huh? Before coming here?"

Tessa [firmly]: "I had good friends. They helped me out."

Woman [scoffing]: "Good friends, huh?"

Derek [coldly]: "Yes, and I was one of them. Tessa is my wife now."

Woman [chuckled and faced Justin]: "Sweet."

Tessa [coldly]: "It is nice to see you again, Mrs. White."

Mrs. White [firmly]: "You could've ended up with a nice loving family if you and Derek didn't fool around. I had a good future planned for you. Unlike you both, Justin was adopted because he followed the rules-"

Derek [hissing]: "More like broke them."

Justin [smiling slightly]: "Mrs. White was a nice strict keeper-"

Tessa [sternly]: "Are you still starving kids and locking them in basements as part of punishments?"

Mrs. White [smiling slightly]: "My punishment list is strict but they allow kids to behave and stay out of trouble. I was an agent for 25 years and in those twenty-five years only two fourteen years old girls ever got pregnant; you and that slut Hailey Robinson, who I assume also decided to go through it all. I heard she gave birth to twins-a boy and a girl."

Aiden [frowning]: "Hailey-Hailey Robinson?"

Tessa [while facing Jessica]: "Please kick her out."

Mrs. White [sternly]: "I assume maids aren't allowed to give out orders, especially to the owners."

Derek [hissing]: "Well I am glad Tyler's out of your home."

Mrs. White [while facing Tyler]: "You can move in with them from tonight. I will personally take care of your papers."

Here she walked out causing Aiden to run after her pissed.

Aiden [sternly]: "Mrs. White, wait!"

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