Chapter 41

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Later that day;

While Aria and Tyler were introduced to Xander, Audrey, and to Hailey's siblings, Tessa, on the other hand, was sitting down in her parents' private living room, located in their sector, when they went and stood in front of her.

Tessa [sadly]: "I'm sorry, but it will be for the best if none of them find out about you being my parents. Jake and Tiana shouldn't be focusing on my state but on Hailey."

Andres [sat beside her and nodded]: "I see."

Jessica [with tears in her eyes]: "We just want to be around you and make up for all the time we weren't with you."

Tessa [sadly]: "I know you are and I'm really grateful for that. I also want to thank you for not firing me and throwing me out for, um, slapping your eldest son. I know you would've treated me way worse than Derek if I weren't your actual daughter."

Jessica [while hugging her]: "Oh, honey."

Tessa [sobbing]: "I'm in so much pain, mum. I feel everything happened because of me! I didn't want to ruin your daughter's marriage, but I-"

Jessica [coldly]: "I don't want you blaming yourself for what happened. On the contrary, honey, Justin was the one at wrong not you."

Tessa [while looking deep into her eyes]: "But I know Valeria and her brothers hate me because of it. Trouble started when Derek moved in. I was doing so well before he came and-"

Andres [firmly]: "Enough with the crying, precious. Your mother and I aren't upset with you."

Tessa [sadly]: "But you should be. I can't look at your son! I can't believe I slapped him in front of you all-"

Jessica [kissed her forehead and smiled]: "It is all forgotten. Don't think about it."

Andres [while resting his hand above hers]: "Honey, we want you that no matter what you do, we will never turn against you. You had your reasons to slap Aiden and we get it."

Tessa [sniffled and stood up]: "I have to go see if Aria did well at school-"

Jessica [firmly]: "Speaking of Aria; we want her to attend Elton High School with Aiden's kids and Lizzy's nephew."

Tessa [sighing]: "Mum-"

Andres [stood in front of her and smiled]: "There's a financial aid program to help parents pay the fee-"

Tessa [coldly]: "Financial aid? I'm sorry, but even if they give Aria 80% off, I wouldn't be able to pay. It's too expensive and I'm just a toilet lady here, dad. I only get paid-"

Jessica [firmly]: "We know how much you get, honey."

Tessa [chuckling]: "Right. Sorry."

Andres [while hugging her]: "If only we knew about you before. We wouldn't be here right now."

Tessa [pulled away from the hug and faced Jessica]: "Thank you for letting Jake and Tiana's family stay here instead of in the hotel. It was very kind of you."

Jessica [softly]: "We know how much you care about those people, sweetheart. We did that for you."

Tessa [sadly]: "Jake, Tiana, and Hailey, they're my family. Jake considers me as his little sister and the fact that he wishes to waste his time looking for my family-it-it says a lot about him. He's a great guy."

Andres [smiling slightly]: "We noticed that and we will indirectly thank each one of them for helping you out."

Tessa [softly]: "That would be great."

Andres smiled at this, but his smile faded away as Valeria walked through the door her eyes fixed at her phone.

Valeria [coldly]: "Mum, dadoh, you're in here. Wait what's going on?"

Jessica [sadly]: "Val-"

Valeria [while glaring at Tessa]: "Get out."

Andres [coldly]: "We are not done talking to your sister-"

Valeria [sternly]: "That's not my sister. She's just the toilet lady."

Andres [angrily]: "Seems your forgetting that this is our house and that your sister deserves to be here as much as you and your brothers deserve to!"

Valeria [rolled her eyes and faced Tessa]: "Enjoying the show? You're really smart playing the victim here. You slapped Aiden for doing something that doesn't involve you-"

Tessa [with tears in her eyes]: "I'm sorry."

She ran outside the doors and hurried through the halls bumping into Chris in the process, who looked at her worriedly.

Chris [shaken]: "Tessa?"

Tessa [nervously]: "I'm sorry."

Chris [coldly]: "What happened? Who made you cry? Was it Aiden?"

Tessa [sniffled and shook her head]: "Valeria is with your parents."

Here she turned and walked away causing Chris to break into his parents' wing furiously and stand still in front of Valeria earning cold looks from his parents.

Chris [coldly]: "What did you tell Tessa, huh? Why was she crying?"

Valeria [sternly]: "None of your business, Chris!"

Chris [chuckled and faced Andres]: "Is she serious?! As if Tessa doesn't have enough problems to worry about already?"

Valeria [coldly]: "She's not the only person suffering in this house, Chris-"

Chris [sternly]: "She lived a horrible life and she hasn't recovered from it, yet. We should be helping her out, not make her days worse, especially now!"

Jessica [softly]: "Chris, honey, I am so proud of you for standing beside your sister, Tessa, and-"

Valeria [hissing]: "Yeah, Chris, good for you for being the good kid here."

Here she turned and hurried out to her room fuming in anger leaving Chris alone with his parents.

Andres [sadly]: "Valeria is throwing her anger at Tessa for something Justin did."

Chris [sighing]: "I know. Anyways, I called the school and mentioned Aria's name. They can start on Monday, which is in three days."

Jessica [softly]: "Great, but Tessa still isn't okay with it."

Chris [sadly]: "I'll talk to her, don't worry. It's not an offer she can refuse. Aria's future depends on this."

Andres [while hugging him]: "Thank you, my boy. You're doing so well, lately. Married life fits you well."

Chris [chuckling]: "Thanks dad."

As he headed out and closed the door behind him, Jessica hugged Andres and cried on his shoulder...

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