The door was being opened and I felt the spot where he bit me beginning to tingle uncomfortably. Would this happen every time Loche was near? It had healed a lot but still hurt when I moved a certain way.

"Your highness we have been trying to pin point where the-"

"-Leave us for a moment." His voice sent chills down my spine and I gripped the fabric of my dress tightly, my mind frantically trying to decide where I should look. Should I look at him or maybe I should not? Someone please help!

Taking a deep breath, I hesitantly turned towards my husband.

My eyes ran over him quickly. Ah, why was Loche glistening? His inky hair was dripping with water I think? He wore simple robes with a golden belt that was not even tied up, showing off his tanned skin. He looks as if he has just come from jumping in a lake and then throwing on robes and trousers. He was exposing all of his...strong and taut muscles, for everyone to see! I mean, tis Loche's body he can show himself but I wonder if any other women stare at him like I am. Do their faces warm up like mines is?

Noticing how manly and beautiful Loche was also made me realize other things. Like his eyes seemed a bit sunken in...tired. Dark clouds shrouded his body...I saw no slither of light like I was used to seeing at times. It worried me a bit.

"Loche...tis warm outside today," I spoke quickly, trying to figure out what I should possibly say to him. He did not respond, so I spoke again. "Um, you have not been coming to bed. Is it not comfy enough...or is it me maybe?" I questioned him nervously. "Dinah says I snore like a three horned boar I?" I laughed softly watching, the corner of his mouth twitch. He was being pulled into the darkness and I was his wife...I could not let him be pulled into the darkness.

His eyes were soaking in my appearance, lingering on my exposed shoulders. "You do not snore, I just have things to take care of. Turn around, Estelle."

He was acting...different. I did as he told me so and felt his fingers instantly on my back. I began to chew on my bottom lip as his warm fingers trailed along my spine. "L-Loche that tickles." 

" need to get branded with the seal of my people since you are an outsider," he explained to me as he began to pull at my dress, covering my shoulders and trying to tie it back up. I would be branded? Branded...

As he attempted to fix my dress I pulled away, looking at him. "B-branded like an animal?"

"You are not an animal, Estelle. You are my wife, soon to be Queen and you need the seal to become Queen since you are an outsider," he explained to me in a way that felt like I had no other choice. I did not want to be branded on my back...where my wings would also be.

I knew he must have much going on and I wanted to cooperate but I did not want something burned into my skin. "It will be fine, Estelle. They will give you something to dull the pain, I promise you." His warm hand then cupped my chin. "It will be quick...then we will be coronated as King and Queen."

My mind was swirling with thoughts. I was scared...a hot iron being pressed to my skin! He did not sound as if he would change his mind...I had to get this done.

If I had to have this done though maybe I can make some sort of compromise with him? "Loche I want Cael and Harkin to be my guards again...and I want to go visit my papa, and I want to see your people," I told him as I could see that he was thinking about it.

"If you say yes I will do whatever you want." Whether it be me getting branded or anything else odd they do as traditions. Mother would try to trade and bargain with my father a lot and it worked most of the times. Or at least I thought it did.

Queen of the Dragonsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن