The dragon guards all looked at Keynai with widened eyes before they all went to their knees also. Oh my, what is going on?!

"Ah, all of you please rise! Keynai, please get up!" I struggled to handle these men who were at my feet while the maids around me seemed to notice and also went to their knees. Someone please help me stop this madness! "I appreciate all of this, I do but I am fine, I promise you all."

"The Princess said rise. That was an order not a suggestion." They all began to stand and I glanced to the side to see a woman dressed in armor and a scowl on her face.

Oh, it was the General! "General Iona good morning!" I smiled at her as she bowed slightly, her eyes going to my neck. "Loche...gave it to me. Is it not beautiful?"

"That looks incredibly heavy. It could be used as a weapon," she spoke aloud as I gasped. How would one use a necklace as a weapon? As I glanced at the Generals arms...they alone reminded me of a weapon. They were no where near Loche's arms, I just never see women with any muscle. My own arms remind me of straws of hay....

"Well that is good. A weapon and a beautiful fashion piece!" I giggled as she just stared at me. I do not think she saw the humor in that. I wanted to be friend though. She seems to be Loche's friend and Loche mentioned that she would be my friend. "General join me for first meal if you are not busy?"

She gave me an unsure look as I smiled sweetly at her. The more you smile the more people say yes. Or so mama and Juni say. As I smiled brightly, she sighed rather loudly. "I suppose I can have a hearty meal before putting those young bloods into their respective places."

I am not sure what she meant, but it sounded a bit violent. "Great!" I reached out to grab her hand and she looked at me as if I had something on my face. "Let us go then?"

"You do not know me and you hold my hand?" She questioned me as I blushed and pulled away from her immediately. Dinah always did tell me I was a bit too friendly with people.

"I-I am sorry! I want to be friends with you so I just...well I just I hold hands with my friends. I do not have many friends," I explained to her as we began to walk. Telling a potential friend that I have no friends does not seem like a smart thing to do but I am new to making nee friends! Someone should write a book about making friends. I would read that. Maybe Loche has a book like that in his study...

She glanced at me oddly. "You want to be my friend? Why? Most gentry women are scared of me." Well...I can see why some may be scared of her. She is a bit terrifying. Loche is scary too but you should not be scared of people just based on looks. Or how strong they look. Even Keynai seems scary with his large scythe but he is soft like sweet bread!

"Well you are one of the women who I see a lot and Loche said we could be friends..." She glared at me. "He was suggesting it! Y-you do not have to be my friend if you do not want to be." Imagine forcing someone to be your friend. Tis unimaginable!

"Alright, Princess Estelle. We can become aquatinted with one another."

Yay! As we walked throughout the halls, the loud clanking of armor was a bit unsettling. Not from General Iona, but from the guards behind us. I tried to ignore them the best as I could and was glad when we finally reached the dining hall.

Juni was there! Along with Uncle Alazar. "Uncle Alazar you should come to Faenor with me and become my uncle instead of being Loche's uncle. I am sure my papa and you will get along and then you can shower me with jewels and scare away all of the terrible suitors."

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