Colby then led me down the stairs and out of the house. Once we were out he turned to and wrapped his arms around me. "Are you okay?" He asked and scratched my back. "Yeah, I think I just saw the murders." I said and rested my head on his chest.

"Are you serious?" He asked and pulled away to look at me. "Yeah. It was blurry but I definitely saw it." I said and let out a breath. "Do you want to go back to the hotel?" He asked as I shook my head. "No. It wasn't that bad. I just needed some fresh air I think." I said then took a step back and shook my hands out.

"You're too strong." Colby said and brushed my hair behind my ear. "I think this stuff is interesting, even if it's scary." I said with a smile as he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"Okay, well we can make as many trips outside as you need." He said as I nodded. "Thank you, baby." I said then took his hand so we could go back into the house.

We walked up the stairs and met the others in the master bedroom.

"Are you feeling okay?" Sam asked as I nodded. "Yeah, let's keep going." I said then nodded towards the next room.

"This was the kid's room. Herman, Katherine, Boyd, and Paul were all murdered here in the early morning of June 10th, 1912." Steven said as I looked around the room.

The room was also painted blue like the room downstairs but this room was slightly bigger. To our left was a criblike bed that the youngest probably slept in.

There was a twin bed in the corner of the room and a queen sized bed that was to our right. All the beds had dolls on them signaling this was the kids room.

"I hate dolls." Ki said as she shivered. "Me, too." Colby said as Sam filmed the room. I could feel the same sadness as downstairs but this time it was a more innocent feeling. I could also feel a little bit of anger and resentment but nothing was too powerful for me to handle.

"Over here is the attack where the killer was supposedly hiding. We can't go in there because the floor boards are too weak." Steven said and opened the door to show us the open area. There was a huge sign on the door that said Do Not Enter, which was good because we would have just walked in.

"And that's pretty much it." Steven said and turned to us. "Do you have any questions?" He asked as we all looked at each other. "Have you had any experiences here?" Sam asked as Ki came over and looped her arm through mine.

"Yeah, of course. I was here one night locking up when I saw a woman in a dress pass by that doorway." Steven said and pointed to the master bedroom doorway. "Do you think it was Sarah?" I asked as he nodded. "I do." He said with a nod as he started leading us down the stairs.

"That's fucking scary." Ki said and looked around the house as we walked. "It wasn't too bad, the only energy that's bad is from the murderer." Steven explained.

"Shit usually hits the fan around 11pm and lasts until 3am." He said as I looked towards the blue room downstairs. I could have sworn I saw a little girl in there but by the time I did a double take she was gone.

It was a trick of the eyes.

When we got back outside we walked to the car. "So you guys are free to stay the night just try not to touch the furniture or any of the displays. We're excited to see what you catch." Steven said then shook Sam and Colby's hand.

"Great, is there a way to lock the door?" Colby asked as Steven nodded. "Yeah, the front door locks automatically. I'll give you the key and collect it in the morning in case you lock yourself out." He said then pulled out a key.

"Any other questions?" He asked as we all shook our heads. "Perfect. Good luck! I'll see you in the morning" Steven said then waved and walked to his truck.

"Now what?" Ki asked as I hugged myself and looked up at the house. "Well we need to get some shots if you guys want to go to the nearest store and get us some food?" Sam suggested as Colby pulled the keys out. "That works." I said then took the keys.

"You guys will be okay alone?" I asked as Colby breathed a laugh.  "It's still light out, we'll be fine." He said as I nodded. "Okay, we'll be back then." I said then kissed him and turned to the car.

Ki and I went to the store to get food and other supplies so we could last the night. When we got back we set up the snacks in the trunk of the SUV so we could eat before the sun set.

Sam and Colby filmed all the things they needed to film then joined us for dinner. After we ate we decided to get our equipment set up so we could get started.

"I don't want the sun to set." Ki said as she looked out at the horizon where the sun was mostly set. "Yeah, I have to admit I'm a little nervous." I said with a laugh. "Wait, you're nervous? Nah, we're not doing this. We're going home." Ki said dramatically.

"It's too late to back out now." Sam said as I nodded. "Yeah, he's right unfortunately." I said then stood up. "You guys can go back to the hotel." Colby said as I shook my head. "No, we aren't pussies." I said then looked at Ki with a grin.

"Yeah, we might need to sleep in the car though." She said causing me to laugh. "At least she knows her limits." Sam said with a laugh. "Can't relate." I said then started grabbing stuff for us to bring into the house.

We went inside and set our stuff up while the sun set. As soon as it set we started walking around the house, filming everything one more time but in the dark.

"We should go to the parent's room first." Sam suggested as we walked towards the stairs. "Okay, yeah." Colby said as we followed.

I started walking with them before I heard someone in the blue room downstairs. "Wait..." I said and stopped, shining my flashlight into the room. "What's wrong, V?" Colby asked as I shook my head.

"I thought I heard something." I said then started involuntarily walking towards the room. "Did you want to go there first?" Sam asked as I nodded slowly. "Okay, we'll start down here then." Colby said as I walked into the room.

Sam, Colby, and Ki were still in the parlor when I heard a little girl sigh in my ear. "Shit." I breathed out then turned to where the door was.

I opened my mouth to tell everyone what I heard but before I could the door was slamming closed.

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