37 ➪ He's the Issue.

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Im sure they wont be mad. They are really worried." Ranboo told. I wasn't all sure if they were lying or not..

"I dunno... They could just be lying." I mumbled, He frowned.

"I don't think they would lie to you."

"Are you sure?" I whimpered, We were very close, I recognized it.

"Like I said before, I am positive."

"If you say so.." I replied a little late, we were literally a minute away from His house..

oh god oh god oh god

I'm not ready

i'm scared

They hate me
They're mad


"TOMMY?!" Ranboo stopped the car suddenly, sending me out of my panic.

"W-wha..t." I was breathing heavily and sweating.. Did I seriously just have a panic attack in a car with RANBOO.

"Are you alright now?! Do you not wanna go??"

".N-no.. I don't.. I really don't. I'm scared." I started crying. He instantly took off his seatbelt and jumped to the backseat.

"Tommy.. Im-.. I." Ranboo tried to comfort me, I could tell. It didn't really work. I was still wailing like crazy, I was shaking too.

He gave up on trying to speak and just hugged me, I could tell touch was not his love language. "You d-dont need to hug me.. I'm fine." I pulled out of the hug and sniffled.

"But, I don't know what to do to help you.?"

"Just being here is fine, thank you for trying." I mumbled.

"You sure?"

"Positive." I repeated him. He smiled and got out and back into the front seat.

"Do you wanna go now? Or still no.."

"Uhm.. I don't know. If I should."  I stopped.

"I think it would be better, I can't have you with me forever. And I bet they miss you a lot." He rambled on why I should go.

"So you're not sure if they miss me? I mean it's only been a week." I rolled my eyes.

"I- I didn't mean it that way, I'm sure they missed you. So I think you should."

"Alright.. Just- nevermind. Let's go." I thought about how Karl might try something again. What if Wilbur ridicules me again. What if he's gone?! Sheesh.. I need to just not overthink Im sure its fine.

We eventually made it to the house, I didn't say a word. Ranboo knocked on the door, I stood behind.

Karl opened it, when he saw me his eyes lit up and he covered his mouth. He instantly hugged me tightly, "I'm so glad you are ok!!" Karl cheered.

"I'm glad to see you too.. I was worried you would be upset." I giggled.

He pulled out of the hug, "I'm glad! And Tommy, the only reason I would be upset is because I probably made you run off. Please don't do that again." Karl explained, It wasn't him??

"But I left because I didn't want to hurt you guys.."

"You never hurt us, The person most affected was Wilbur during this. He really REALLY missed you." He told me about Wilbur, I felt guilty now.

"Can you get them all?" I asked. Ranboo said his goodbyes and left, I thanked him so much.

"Quackity! Sapnap! Wilbur! Tommy is here!!" Karl yelled.

I covered my ears, he had a loud yelp. I heard Quackity yell my name from the living room and run into ours.

"TOMMMYYY!" He smiled and hugged me, I hugged back.

"Are you alright bud!?" He pulled out of the hug and grinned.

"Yeah!! I'm sorry I worried you."

"No problem! As long as you're ok!" He cheered.

Sapnap then came in, "Tommy? Oh thank god you are alright.. DONT DO THAT AGAIN!" His mood swings were unpredictable.
I flinched a little when he yelled a little.

"I won't.." I whined.. Then Wilbur came downstairs.

"Tommy?" He looked amazed and then hugged me tightly, not letting go.

"I'm sorry, Wilbur." I mumbled.

"Please don't leave again, I couldn't stand them." Wilbur joked, All the others rolled their eyes.

I laughed, pulling out of the hug myself. He looked melancholy. I wish I could express how much I felt guilty for leaving him.

"Look what you did, Tommy." Did Sapnap really just say that? Did I really..?

"Sapnap?!" Quackity yelped.

"I'm not wrong, Tommy shouldn't have ran off!" Sapnap expressed in a shout.

Wilbur was quiet, I think he agreed.

"What is your issue. Sapnap?!" Karl yelled.

Sapnap pointed at me,
"He's the issue."

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