School Festival Announcement (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Ha?" Bakugo only looked like he didn't give a shit to what he was saying.

"There is currently a popular topic in the general studies department about the results of the Sports Festival, the fact that if students in the other departments outshine the heroics students they can be transferred in it, however, the same can be said in reverse to the students in the heroics department" the purple-haired student taunted.

Bakugou still didn't care while Izuku looked worried and Kentarou was getting ready to stand up.

"Scoping out the competition you said? that can't be farther from the truth if nothing else a student from general ed kid like me is thinking Hey why don't I try pulling the rug under the students in the heroics department while they are in their high shoes? In short, This Is A Declaration Of War" the purple-haired student said.

'Wow, this guy has guts' Iida, Uraraka, and Izuku all thought.

"Sorry for interrupting but I couldn't help but overhear what you just said, making us look like we wanted to be attacked by villains in order to gain popularity or something but for your information, I highly doubt that if it was any of the other departments that got attacked by those villains then all of the students would have died we only survived since the villains were distracted by our strongest students" Kentarou said in a mocking tone as he casually joined in while Mina already blocked Ayako's ears while Kirishima was starting to focus on his quirk beside Mina. Kentarou's hair was combed towards the back and him appearing to be bigger than his real height makes for great intimidation.

'Eh?! Kentarou?!!' Everyone in the class was surprised except for a select few while Todoroki was getting interested.

"Also WHY DO WE EVEN HAVE TO GIVE A SINGLE FUCK TO THE STUDENTS WHO FAILED TO PASS THE HERO COURSE?! DO YOU EVEN HAVE THE GUTS TO TELL ME THAT YOU FAILED THE TEST BECAUSE THE TEST DIDN'T SUIT YOUR QUIRK? Well... NEWS FLASH!! THE WORLD IS UNFAIR AND HEROES NEED TO BE PREPARED FOR EVERY GODDAMN SITUATION SO YOU CAN'T BLAME THE TEST NOR YOUR LUCK BLAME YOUR DAMN SELF FOR BEING UNPREPARED!" Kentarou shouted while amplifying his voice using his quirk, using the traits of loud animals, while having an aura of authority surrounding him making him look like an Emperor of an empire built under war and chaos. Meanwhile, most of the students who had the reason that Kentarou pointed out looked ashamed of themselves.

"The guy known for being a siscon in the room and not caring about anything unrelated to his sister started to fight against the other students, am I dreaming?" Kaminari asked Jiro who was right beside him.

"No, You're not in fact everyone is surprised at what is happening right now" Jiro answered.

"Hey!! You Class 1-A!! I'm from Class 1-B!! I heard you knocked around some villains or something so I came here to hear it directly but I don't wanna hear that from snot-nosed punks!!" A student who pretty much looks like a cardboard copy of Kirishima only with white hair and a natural white mask over his eyes said.

'They just keep coming!' Iida, Uraraka, and Izuku all thought.

"Don't embarrass us during the main event, YOU HEAR ME?!!!" Bakugou shouted which shocked Iida, Uraraka, and Izuku.

"To also cut your huge damn egos to tiny pieces NO ONE IN OUR CLASS IS GOING TO GET TRANSFERRED OUT OF THE HERO COURSE!! SO COME! COME AND FACE OUR REAL MIGHT AT THE SPORTS FESTIVAL!!" Kenrarou said with a confident and mocking grin.

"What did the two of you do? Now we are going to get haters all up in our grill!!!!" Kirishima shouted at the two.

"None of that matters" Bakugo and Kentarou said at the same time.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!!!" Everyone in Class 1-A shouted in shock at the two's synchronization and what they had just said.

"If your the one on top none of their hate matters" The two said in synch once again.

"Looks like we do agree on something" Katsuki said with a grin.

"Damn right we do, those guys can say anything they want but none of their complaints matter as long as they don't have the power or will to back it up" Kentarou said as the two bumped their arms together creating a mutual understanding and respect between the two.

"Did I see the entire thing right? Kentarou-san and Bakugo being friendly despite the two being nearly polar opposites?!" Mina asked no one in particular while Ayako giggled.

"Kentarou might not look like it but he is like Bakugo but he just doesn't openly show it so the two are more alike than anyone can think" Ayako said in a normal volume with a tone that is enjoying the situation.

"Hey Kiri" Mina said as she looked perplexed.

"Yeah?" Kirishima asked while also looking perplexed.

"I feel that the end of the world is near" mina said still looking perplexed.

"What a coincidence, me too" Kirishima said.

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