29 ➪ I Need It.

Start from the beginning

"Hmm.. I think Ive had noise complaints from this house.. Screaming." He said sternly and wrote down what I said.

"Let's go inside, I'll deal with it." He signaled for me to get out of the car, I followed him to the door.

I started getting a little dizzy from the memories. I almost died.. Will I again? I was snapped out of my thoughts by the police officer knocking. Wilbur answered the door, when he saw the police and me behind his eyes widened. He took a step back and started shaking, "Y-you.. Ca-nt.. Uhm.. Be here." He shook. Poor kid.

"I need to see you're father." The police made his intentions clear.

"B-but-" Wilbur gulped, suddenly Phil appeared behind him.

"Who is it.. Wilbur it better not be Karl-" Phil's eyes widened just like Wilbur.

"Hello officer!" He put on a facade.

"Im not here for games, I need to put you in cuffs. Then we will talk." The officer stated.

"What?! Why? I haven't done anything, sir." He exclaimed.

The man turned around and looked at me with confusion, "Then why did he call."

"Stop acting all innocent! Look at your Kid!" I yelled, throwing my arms in the air.

"He got beat up by a kid at sch-"

"Bullshit! Stop spewing lies!"

"Oh shut up." Phil rolled his eyes.


"Stop it, both of you." The officer put a hand between Phil and I.

I was fuming, he can't act all innocent.. Wilbur is literally shaking-

"Karl!" Tommy saw me from behind Phil and tried to run to me, Phil grabbed his arm.

"DONT. Try and go with him. He abused you." Phil spat.

"What?! No he didn-"

"Shut it!" Phil screamed and slapped Tommy right in front of the officer.

The officer then went over to Phil and restrained him quickly. Putting him in cuffs like he should've been. "What the hell are you doing?!" Phil rasped.

Tommy ran over to me and hugged me, sobbing instantly into my shirt. He wasn't even there that long..? Is that how bad it is? "Wilbur." I spoke sternly and pointed for him to come over to me. Wilbur then stumbled over to me and leaned his head on my shoulder, obviously very tired. Where was Techno? Did he leave.

"Where's the third child?" The officer asked.

"He left, Don't know where to." Phil rolled his eyes.

"Sir we are going to have to lock you up as you are very violent and cannot be kept with children or anyone. You will be there until we have court time." The officer instructed Phil into the police car, Phil struggled against him.

"LET GO OF ME!" Phil screamed.


"Enough!" The officer yelled and forcefully put him in the car. Driving off.

"Go get what you need from the house. then we are out of here.." I sighed. this was gonna be a lot of work. I was probably going to have to adopt them.

"Can you come in with us?" Tommy shook, I frowned. Not in disappointment but the fact they didn't wanna go in alone..

"Yup." I sighed with a slight smile as we walked in. I followed them around as they collected items and packed bags. Once they got everything we went back to my car. I looked around the manual looking for directions, thank god I found them... God so much work. Paperwork.. Leaving tomorrow.. Ughhhh. I banged my head into the wheel.

"Karl!" Tommy whined from the backseat, begging me to not do that again. I exhaled and started driving. Long long trip.

I was so tired I didn't even want to drive anymore, but eventually we made it. The whole car ride was quiet except for a few "whats gonna happen?" and "thank you"s other then that nothing.

overall it was an awkward tension, along with the fact I don't know where the hell Techno is. I hope he shows up eventually. I can't even text him. This is gonna be a huge struggle.. But i'll do it for them.

Once we got into the apartment I explained Wilbur would sleep in my room and I'll just sleep on the couch. Mission success? I mean I got them and now Phil might go to jail. Thank god. That man deserved it. But I can't even fathom and head being touched by another. That was terrifying.

Luckily I'd get to see Quackity and Sapnap again.. They would help me.
I need it.

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