Chapter 54

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A week passed by, the school was almost starting and I still had no idea of what the future had prepared for me and Draco.

"Snape is headmaster!" Draco bursted in the room, and shouted at me while I looking for books to read.

"What?! The man who murdered the headmaster before him, becomes the next one? Who decided this?" I said indignated by his words.

"The Dark Lord. He took control over the Ministry of Magic and he had him appointed. " He said concerned.

"What? No, no, Draco this is not good...can you imagine...I don't wanna go to Hogwarts, Draco, I really don't wanna go." I said pacing around the room.

"I know, me neither, Y/N, but I'm unfortunate that we are obligated to go." He said in an apologetic tone.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Dark Lord orders, everyone must go." He said calmly.

"Draco, we have no idea what new orders will he impose, everything is gonna change." I said sitting in the bed, running my hands through my hair.

"I know..." He sat besides me, placing an arm around me back. "...and believe me, I would do anything I could to you not go, but-" I cut him off.

"I know Draco, I don't blame you, but..." I let out a deep sigh. "...I'm scared Draco." I said.

"I'm scared too, Y/N, but I'm here and I promise that nothing is going to happen to you okay?" He said taking my face to his palms and kissed my forehead gently.

"But where's Harry, he's supposed to defeat him!" I shouted and Draco let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Pottah, he runned away, when the Death Eaters gainned control of the Ministry and attacked the wedding of one off the Weasleys...and he considers himself a Gryfindor..." He said angrily.

"Are you sure that they didn't caught him?" I asked.

"Trust me, we would know if that had already happened, they tried to catch him, when he was being moved to a safe house, before his birthday, but they didn't caught him, and after takking the Ministry they attacked the Burrow, and, like I told you, he runned away." He said.

"What about, Hermione, and Ron?" I asked impatiently.

"Also runned away...honestly, how can a coward like Pottah defeat him? I bet the best spell he knows is the Expelliarmus." He said mockingly.

I said nothing to him, he was righr after all, Harry was our last chance, and, for my surprise, he just runned away, that's not normal, Harry is the bravest person I know, he already fought with Voldemort, why is he scared now, once again, there are a lot of things that are awaiting to be revealed, I'm pretty sure Harry has a plan he wouldn't just run away like that, at least, that's what I preferred to think.

While we both remained silent, I heard lots of cheering coming downstairs, the Death Eaters celebrating their victory at the Ministry, at this time, they're ahead Harry, and have lots of advantage against him.

"I'm pretty sure, Harry must have a plan." I said breaking our silence.

"I just hope you're right, Y/N." Draco said, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, I hope too." I said softly and layed on the bed, and so did Draco.

"Draco...even if Harry does defeat him, what will happen to us, I mean, we're Death Eaters, I, I, I don't wanna go to Azkaban." I said starting sobbing.

"Y/N..." He grabbed my face gently, pulling it to look at him. "You're not going to Azkaban, I promise you that!" He said firmly.

I imediatly got closer to him, wrapping my arms around him tightly, burying my head in his chest as I stopped sobbing, and playing with the two rings in my hand.

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