Chapter 25

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Next day, I woke up before Ivonne and Delilah, I decided to get myself dressed already, it was the last week with classes until Christmas holidays, I was going to spent the holidays here, and Draco, before our fight, told me he wanted to stay here with me, knowing that we're not together anymore still affects me in a way that shouldn't affect, and last night just made things worse.

I still had some time before the classes begin so I went to the common room, and sat in a couch, looking at the fire place, trying to clear ny thoughts.

I heard suddenly, people talking behind me, I quickly drove my gaze out of the fireplace, and turned around.

I saw Draco, with Astoria, they were just chatting until, he grabbed her neck, and pulled her into a long kiss, my eyes started tearing up, I felt my heart breaking into pieces, I felt like my whole life was a lie.

While kissing her, he opened his eyes and looked at me, an evil and revenged gaze, apart from the neck, it didn't seem like he was touching her anywere else.

They finaly broke the kiss, and, while still looking at me, he let out a smirk and grabbed Astoria hand, and dragged her towards the dorms.

After they got out of the room, I broke down in tears, I wrapped my arms around my legs, and starting sobbing, I felt like I was dying, I felt like my life didn't make sense anymore, the only person that could fix me, already got someone, just like a snap of fingers, and he forgot me, last night was just to making me feel worse after watching him with Astoria.

I suddenly felt someone quickly sitting on both of my sides, and hugging me, I turned my gaze at them and it was Blaise and Adrian.

Blaise pulled my head onto his shoulder while Adrian grabbed my hand, I cried hard, letting my tears falling down my face to Blaise shoulder.

"Shhh...calm down Y/N...What happened?" Blaise said in a calm tone, massaging my head softy trying to calm me down.

"Dra...Draco...Draco...I saw...hi..hi..him kissing Astoria...and...and..." I started sobbing even more, my voice was terribly shaking, and I could barely talk. "And then....he dragged dorm....I wanna hate him Blaise...but I can't....I can't hate him, Blaise...I can't..." My hands started shaking abruptly, and I felt like I couldn't breathe, I felt like I was about to dye, and my head started to hurt, and I felt pain in my chest.

"Y/N....hey, hey calm down...please...your having a panic attack...please calm down..." He hugged my tightly, and started humming a song trying to calm myself down, while Adrian grabbed my hand massaging my fingers, trying to relax me.

Minutes have passed, and eventually I calmed down, loads of people passed throught us, and just stared, I didn't saw Draco pass through me or Astoria.

"Look, you are not with head to go to the classes today, you're going to stay here with Adrian, and I'm going to see if Ivonne or Delilah can stay with you, okay?" I nodded my head, and he lifted my head of his shoulder putting it on Adrian's shoulder, while he stood up and rushed towards the dorms.

"...Adrian...why does everybody hate me so much...why does my life have to be like this?" Tears were falling down my cheeks, I wasn't sobbing, just, silently crying.

"Hate you?! Y/N, for merlin, you have so many people that love you, matter what happens you will always have me, Blaise, Ivonne, Delilah...we are your family, and we love you...Y/N, you did so much to help me with Delilah, and I'm so grateful, I would never hate you." Suddenly I heard footsteps stepping closer to us, and I saw Delilah.

"Oh my dear, come here..." She hugged my tightly, while I sobbed on her arms, she helped me standing up the couch, and going to the dorms, until our paths crossed with Draco.

Forbidden Love // Draco Malfoy × Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now