Chapter 88, "No Control"

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Jayda's POV

I'm honestly nervous as hell right now. Harry seems okay..? I guess. But something about his face just isn't telling me the full story. Why am I trying to figure him out, I know this is hard and if he doesn't want me after this then I guess it's my fault.

He joined me in the bed and we're currently sitting here in silence. If that's what he wants then I'm okay with just sitting here, but then again we did that all last night so there must be something he has to say..

"Um.." I started.

"You don't have to say anything Jayda, let me talk," he interrupted. I let out a nervous breath before nodding my head and putting my full attention on him.

"I'm sorry if I reacted badly, I was just..... I don't know scared, hurt, confused, skeptical, it was a lot. I know it's his and I think that's the first thing that crossed my mind when you told me, it shouldn't have been but it was and I'm sorry."


"Let me finish," he raised his hand but respectfully, "I'm here for you no matter what, so if you are pregnant then I'll still be here. This changes a lot but not with me and you. I love you and I'd do anything to make sure you're happy. A baby is always a blessing so who am I to be selfish....."

"Harry I'm sorry, I didn't think about this, I just-"

"Things happen, somethings are just out of our control and I get it. I'm not gonna pretend it doesn't hurt but I'm also not gonna pretend I can just up and leave after this. I'm staying till the end baby," he promised.

Tears sprawled down my eyes at his words. Everything about him is just beyond sweet and through all the bad shit that's happened over all these years I honestly feel like I would go through it all again for him, with him.

"I'm sorry," I apologized again. I don't even know why but I just felt the need to. This isn't right and I just feel it's all my fault.

"No need to apologize love, I'm the one that's sorry," he sighed. What could he possibly be sorry for? I'm the one potentially harboring a child with a different daddy.

"Sorry for even giving him the chance."


"Nope, but it's okay. I'm here now and I could bet my entire savings that I'll never leave you again," he promised.

"That's a lot to bet Harold," I laughed, gaining a soft smile from him.

"Exactly my point. I love you Jayda."

"I love you too," I smiled, wiping my face then wrapping my arms around him. He quickly gave into the hug and held me like he always does.

I don't know what's next but I know it'll be okay and that's saying something because I usually overthink everything. But this time around, I might just take Harry's advice and take it easy. No one's saying it's gonna be easy but....

"Will we get back together?" Harry whispered , pulling me completely out of my thoughts.

Kara's  POV

"I miss my son," I huffed.

"I bet he doesn't miss you," Zayn teased. He's been really annoying all day and it's driving me insane. What type of grown man acts like a damn child all freaking day.

I don't think Z'Jack has ever made me just want to pull my hair out but this damn Zayn, ughhhhh, I'll be fucking bald by the time I'm age 26.

"Am I getting on your nerves?" he chuckled. Nah Zayn you're just making me love you more and more each and every second.

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