Chapter 60, "Yacht No, No"

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Niall's POV

"I don't know how we'll move past this Ni, but I love you and I'll try more," Amelia sighed.

"I don't need you to try more, I need you to be there. Just be here. Don't try, don't think, just stay and breath."

"Okay. It'll take time but we'll make it work," she nodded.

"Thank you."

"Cheating is serious so you can't expect everything to be glitter and rainbows. This is my fault just as much as it is yours."

"Okay...?" I nodded, pressing my lips in a line.

"I love you Niall," she smiled.

"I love you too," I said truthfully.

I really do love her.. but can we make this work?

"I'll be right back, I want to check on everyone else," I said, heading to the door.


I walked out of the room and down to the first floor where I found Kara standing in the hall crying into her hands.

"No why are you crying?" I approached.

"Am I toxic? Did I do this on purpose?" she sniffed.

I pulled her into my arms and hugged her tightly.

"You're not about to speak bad about yourself okay? It's fine, everything's going to be fine. Okay?"

She nodded into my shoulder, hugging me back.

Harry's POV

So many words were floating my mind right now that I couldn't process anything but guilt. All along everyone's been trying to tell me how bad I messed and hurt Jayda countless times and yet I've never really listened until now. I hate the fact that she felt she needed to feel wanted by someone else besides me but I can't even blame her because I've showed her no real affection for a while now, and why? I don't know.. I can't ever admit when I'm wrong but this time, I am wrong and I know she's actually going to let go.

"Harry?" I heard her voice.

I turned around stunned at her approaching me. Hell even actually speaking to me.

"I know you don't want to talk to me but I just wanted to let you know that the dinner I reserved is still happening. The people worked really hard on the meal so I would hate for us to not eat it and waste their time," she stated.

"Do we have to dress up?" I grinned.

"I'm sure you'll swing it," she slightly smiled, turning around.

"Jayda?" I called.


"Thank you, if I haven't said it before thank you."

She nodded and walked away leaving me feeling hopeless. There's no way I can fix this right?

Louis's POV

I walked out the room and down the hall to get some some fresh air when I suddenly bumped into someone.

"Oh it's you," Harry snared.

"Don't be like that mate."

"Don't be like what? You fucked my wife Lou. Out of all the people, you!" he pointed.

"That was never my intention," I sighed.

"Sure it wasn't. We all talked about how Zayn had the eye out but it's you! You fucking... I don't even know man and I don't care. You talk a big deal about loyalty and friendship but where was that when you were with her Louis, huh?"

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