Chapter 64, "A year later"

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Kara's POV

It's been a year since all the craziness happened, meaning the yacht stuff, my delivery, Jayda's labor, it's been a lot.

Jayda had her babygirl about a month and some after me. Jade Roseanne Styles was born on March 8th, and yes Jayda did include me in the baby's name just as I did her.

I came up with the name Z'Jack Javier Malik, due to me wanting both Zayn and Jayda apart of my son because they both were there when I woke up and they met him first, and I love them the mostest. So he'll always hold apart of his father and his aunt along with the woman who carried him. I guess you can say Harry is apart of him too considering ZJ was born on his birthday, sadly.

Freaking Aquarius'

I blame ZJ for the sparks that happened between Zayn and I when he was first born but here we are a year later and we're just really great parents. We're both always around him together with no problems. If I need to do something where I can't be around Zayn happily watches him, and vice versa. Honestly I've never seen Zayn love someone the way he loves his son and that's one of the loveliest things ever because I love ZJ like that too. He brought back the happiness that I buried and for him, because of him, I'll never bury it again.

Amelia and Niall moved out due to her feeling neglected but hey she brought that on herself when she started shit and why would she stay in a house with people, well me, whom she doesn't even respect. I'm past the drama with her so for her to still not like me is just her fault. Niall is here everyday though so it's basically like he never left and plus he loves to see his nieces and nephews so why not.

Louis and Eleanor are trying for baby number two which is cute because half of the time Eleanor is doped up on hormones so we rarely see them, but we sure do hear. Louis is happy which is great because we rarely see him smile but now I don't think we ever see him not smiling.

Liam and Maya are both focusing on their careers which is understandable because we know Maya isn't ready to give up the modeling just yet. And Liam is back into music which is really great because we all know how much he missed it.

Harry and Jayda are.... you know the best parents in the freaking world. Hannah and Hendrix started school so that's nice to hear their stories everyday. Jayda and Harry are still separated, minus the living separately and stuff. It's been almost 2 years but we can't tell. They've been working on their selves though which is great because at the end of the day the love is still there and they have exactly 3 blessings in between them so there's no doubt in my mind that what they're doing is going to go wrong.

I've been working hard, but not to hard to the point where I can't be around my son all the time because that's not true. Him being here, I really regret saying how I was going to hire nannies and all that stuff because now, I wouldn't dare. ZJ turned 1 about 2 weeks ago and he's already walking so this man is really growing up fast and I wouldn't dare miss out on watching him. Oh and it's no surprise his favorite thing to watch is Despicable Me. I swear he freaking loves the minions.

Moral of the story.... here we are 1 year later, continuing our crazy yet loving lives with Family.

"Da da," ZJ cooed, walking around the room with his toy in his hand.

"Da da," Zayn mocked, picking him up.

I watched in awe as the two smiled at each other lovingly. I know ZJ doesn't understand love yet but he will.

"Say Ngaaahhhaaaa," Zayn said.

"Ngahhaaa ha ha," ZJ jumped in his arms.

"You're really gonna teach him the minions language?" I sighed.

"He's learning, isn't he?" Zayn smiled.

"Oh lord. We just had a minion birthday party him, wasn't that enough?"

"Could never be enough minions right Z?" Zayn asked.

"Ah ah," ZJ cooed.

These two, always against me.

"It's fine, ima just have another baby and make it my favorite," I shrugged.

"She's lying to us..." Zayn cooed, "Mommy could never."

"Mhm," I nodded.

They can think that.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and since it was Harry, he just walked right on in.

"Look at this little Gucci suit," he said, turning around his phone.

"Harry if you buy him one more thing," I sighed even though the suit was nice.

"Yeah Har, you've done enough," Zayn said looking around the room at ZJ's stuff which mostly Harry bought.

"Zayn they have one to match it," Harry teased knowing Zayn was going to give in.

"Fuck it," I sighed.

"Uck it," ZJ mocked.

"Kara," Zayn and Harry taunted.

I swear they should have a baby together because at this point.

"Sorry," I smiled.

"Idiot," Harry mumbled under his breath but I clearly heard him.

"Where is Jade and Jayda, I can't handle you boys right now," I sighed.

"Tell mama we're men," Zayn cooed.

"Sleep, ahaha," Harry teased.

"That's why I'm about to go wake them up so they can get on yo bitch ass nerves."

"You wouldn't," he gasped.

"But I would."

I smiled and left the room to go exactly into Jayda's. Sure enough they were knocked out so I accidentally bumped the dresser which sure enough woke them up.

"Kara?" Jayda questioned, squinting her eyes.

"Yeah, sorry. I didn't see this thing," I lied.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah," I nodded only to soon change my answer, "Well Harry, Zayn and ZJ were messing with me and I'm bored."

"Come on," she laughed, patting the bed.

"Harry keeps trying to buy Z'Jack stuff, like you need to seize his credit cards."

"I would but he does the same for Jade. His money," she shrugged.


"What's that supposed to mean," she blushed.

"Mmm, interesting," I nodded.

"First of all- no because Kara you sound 5."

"And blushing like that, you look 5."

"Shutup," she laughed.

"Waaaaaawaaaaaswaaaa," Jade cried.

"Bye bye now," I smiled, leaving the room.

"Kara Roseanne Stevens,!" she yelled making me smile as I continued to walk down the hall.

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