Chapter 59, "Yacht Pt. 7"

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Kara's POV

Mmm so the little bastard Zayn wants to keep putting his hands on me until one day, I finally whoop his ass. But that's besides the point. Ima just stay and shack it up with Liam and Maya perfect ass tonight.

The next day...

I woke up before Maya and Liam so I could go to my room and get some clothes to take a nice hot shower. Didn't surprise me that I found Harry roaming the halls like he was losing his damn mind.

"I can't,"he kept repeating. I was about to ignore him and just walk away but he's about to get a peace of my mind.

"Arrogant son of a bitch," I sighed, walking towards him.

"You are in no position to talk Kara. You slept with Niall?"

"Sure did, what did you do? Besides fuck over Jayda a million times!"

"I didn't do anything a million times, I made a mistake last night and so did she."

"No correction," I laughed, "She made A mistake last night, you made plenty, every night! And it wasn't even a mistake she made, it was something that was bound to happen either way it goes."

"Bound to happen? What the fuck do you mean?"

"You really don't know?" I scoffed.

"No so help me," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Dude. Harry. Jayda could've left you like everyone else but she didn't, and she had all the reasons to. Since no one will tell you, I will. BECAUSE OF YOU, she got raped, twice! She got fucking beat! She got hate! Death threats! Harassment Harry! You broke that girl down to the gutter and she pulled herself out. You aren't responsible for the name Jayda Styles, she gave that shit to herself, so you need to start acting like it! You treat her like she means nothing to you, isn't that your wife? Wife Harry! You always say you're going to be there and protect her but you haven't been there not one fucking time jack ass, but then as soon as you really lose her, you'll be on your knees crying again. You are unbelievable!" I stated, "You're fucking bored with her? Well too fucking bad because it's the fact that she'll never get bored of you just shows how much she loves you more than herself. You've never had any one to love you like that, I'm sorry to tell you but if you don't get it together you'll be ALONE. But maybe that's what you deserve."

He had tears in his eyes taking in every word I just spoke but he deserved to know the real truth of his actions.

"K-Kara I-I," he stammered, tears rushing down his face.

"Breaks your heart doesn't it? I love you Har and I'm always here for you but I will not stand by and watch you hurt Jayda anymore. She deserves way better than what you offer and if you don't get it together I promise I'll make sure she gets it," I said, walking away, "You know I will."

He knows I'm right and I stand by my words!

I wiped my own tears away from the hurt I feel for myself and Jayda. I know Zayn and I are worth fighting for too but what happens if Jayda and Harry are over for real? Out of all his shitty girlfriends over the years I finally found someone I can call my sister and I'd hate to see her go her separate way. But what he's not going to do is keep treating her the way he does. I remember when he was young and in love and that happens but when you're grown, you're supposed to be settled. This isn't settled, this is just...

Not settled..

All I know, is if Zayn wants to be like his friend then I will fucking throw this ring in the ocean and he can kiss me being his wife goodbye.

I walked in the room and of course his little head self was laying in the bed watching something on his phone, but he wasn't alone.

"Oh hey Jayda," I smiled.

"Hey Kara," she smiled.

"Hey Kara," Zayn said softly.

"Anyways," I laughed, "Hi sister!"

"Kara, talk to him please," Jayda said, walking out of the room. I could tell she wanted to laugh too but she didn't want to be childish right now when more serious things are happening.

"Is your neck okay?" Zayn asked making me roll my eyes.

Is my neck okay? Seriously?

"Is your dick okay? And no I'm not talking asking because I kicked you."

"Kara that's not funny."

"Who's laughing?"

"What I did meant nothing, I shouldn't have overreacted by your kiss..."

"We had sex," I admitted.

"You just fucking had to!" he yelled throwing his phone to the wall. It shattered in about a million pieces before it hit the ground.

"At least I didn't lie."

"Kara I swear to fucking god! You're dead! Niall's dead! I'm going to kill you!!!"

"You're going to kill your child too? Because I am pregnant," I reminded.

"Don't bring my child into this! Ouuu, why? Niall's like my little brother Kara!"

Your child?... what?

"And Niall is nothing to me?" I scoffed. "He's my best friend Zayn. I know we shouldn't have did that, and I'm sorry we did but do I regret it? No. Do I love you and wish it was you instead? Yes Zayn, fucking yes."

"Don't tell me you love me now," he laughed.

"You're not going to make it seem like I'm the only one in the wrong," I sighed.

"I did sleep with someone but it wasn't family! You-"

"You put your hands on me, you disrespect me, and yet I'm still here," I said, shaking my head.

"Maybe I don't do it hard enough."

"Zayn I will have this whole boat fuck you up. Do not play with me and that's the last time you'll ever threaten me. I'm a person too and I've been patient with you, almost all my fucking life but you will not continue with some of the shit you do."

"So you're going to leave? Find someone better," he spat.


"You're mine!"

"Am I? Was I yours last night? I'm sorry to tell you and I don't mean to sound cocky but my name is Kara and somebody will die to have me in their grasp," I shrugged.

"And I will fucking kill them!" he spat.

"You can't go around killing people, the world doesn't work like that. There'll be consequences," I laughed.

"I don't care. You're not being with anybody else."

"See how controlling you are?"

"I don't try to be but you can't threaten to leave me and-"

"And you can't threaten me period. Zayn you don't like to see me hurt right?"

"No! Of course not," he sighed.

"When you do stuff like that, it hurts me a lot. I know I make you mad but you have to control that shit. I'm not your punching bag or your child so stop trying to control me. You can't have things your way all the time."

"I'm sorry," he exhaled.

"I'm sure you are."

"No, for everything. I slept with someone too and I'm sorry. Doesn't change the fact that I'm still pissed at what you did."

"I know," I shrugged. "How do we even move past this?"

"I don't know."

"Me neither," I said, leaving the room.

I didn't realize how heavy my heart was until I I stepped outside the door. My heart was aching for him so bad but why didn't I stay in the room?

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