Chapter 69, "Let go..."

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Later that night....

Once everyone finished up dinner, we all hugged one another goodnight just as we always do. Dinner wasn't really intense but Jonah sure was on my mind the whole time especially because he was right next to me.

I swear that man is-

"Kara?" Zayn questioned, pulling me out my thoughts.

"Hm... uh yes?"

"You okay? Everything straight?"

"Yeah.... why wouldn't it- wait don't check up on me like you ain't say what you said earlier," I said, remembering every stupid thing that came out his mouth.

"I'm sorry," he sighed.

"You're always sorry. How do you think it makes me feel when you continue to confuse me by changing your mind and shit?"

"My mind is made up baby," he smiled.

"Please don't- just call me Kara," I scrunched up.

"But you're my ba-"

"Zayn stop," I interrupted before he got all of that word out.

"Alright, I understand, none of that until we're back together," he nodded.

"Didn't you want something before this whole conversation?"

"Oh I was gonna ask if Z'Jack could sleep in my room tonight. We have a cartoon to finish and that way in the morning him and I can easily head out without waking you."

"Oh," I smiled, "Yeah.... you don't have to ask me."

"Just wanted to be sure."

"Well yeah, ZJ is all yours. Let me know if you need something," I said before giving ZJ a kiss on the head.

"Ma ma," he cooed.

"Bye son, be good for daddy," I smiled.

"Remember when you used to-"

"No," I answered quickly before Zayn could even finish his question.


"Anyways goodnight," I laughed, walking off to my room.

I took a nice warm shower before putting on some shorts and a black t shirt because boy is this sleep about to be good. I cleaned up the room a little bit even though it wasn't dirty, and then rearranged my dresser.

I guess I'll work on this dance for the time being...

30 minutes later....

I walked to the living room to find Jack and Zach playing the game.

"Hey Kara," they smiled in unison making their selves laugh.

"Hey, shouldn't you guys be sleep? Early studio session in the morning I heard."

"We're used to staying up all night of the hours for those things," Zach shrugged.

"Yeah and plus he's getting better than me at fortnite, can't let that happen," Jack smiled.

"Oh my god," I sighed.

"Why are you up?" Zach asked.

"Just bored," I shrugged.

"I bet Jack can entertain you," Zach teased.

"Shut up," Jack sighed.

"Is there something I don't know about?"

"Jack here has a little-"

Before Zach could finish his words Jack smacked him across the head with the controller making me burst into laughter. I'm talking about I was laughing my ass off.

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